A photo from open sources
The famous theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, who recently warned humanity about the approaching Apocalypse, continued this topic in a CBS show dedicated to hurricanes, hit the United States. In his opinion, the US government is in full control of this element.
It turns out that hurricanes, as the scientist claims, are generated artificially using the infamous HAARP program (Alaska), created by the deep-seated US government, the global elite and aimed at destruction (in this particular case) of the American people, although the plans for this project are much more grandiose – ultimately leave on Earth no more than 500 million inhabitants.
Further, Michio Kaku explains in detail how the program works. HAARP, how it loads nanoparticles into the clouds, causing most rain or drought, depending on the goal, and with a special laser – and future snowstorms.
The scientist’s statement in this scandalous broadcast caused widespread resonance in the circles of scientists, and not only. Famous Swiss newspaper Tribune de Genev immediately turned to the biologist Reto Knutti (Reto Knutti), which, firstly, is a world-famous scientist, and secondly, a longtime opponent in scientific disputes with Michio Kaku.
Reto Knutti immediately emphasized that he was by no means wants to convict Michio Kaku of incompetence, but overall correctly understanding that our planet is already in full swing struggle against humanity, the theoretical physicist misunderstands who arranged it.
For example, Michio Kaku is unlikely to be able to explain, relying on only on physical laws why over the Gobi or Sahara desert it never rains, although the sea and the ocean are near? And the thing is that rains, paradoxically for many, cause fungal disputes that are not in the deserts. This is the mechanism (one of few biosphere tools) that Michio confuses with the program HAARP.
Plants, as biologists have long proved, for example, an ecologist from Western Australia Monica Gagliano (Monica Gangliano), possess collective mind. That is, the entire biosphere of the Earth is a huge the brain, in comparison with which our consciousness is an underdeveloped embryo (the great Russian scientist Vernadsky wrote about this).
And now imagine that humanity is for this Earth’s super brain (let’s call it familiar for convenience many by the concept of Nature) – all one that cockroaches in your home. While they are swarming somewhere outside the home in small numbers, nobody pays attention to them. But if they already create serious problems in the house, they begin to poison and destroy. About the same thing today is done to us by Nature, which tired of our atrocities, threatening to destroy the planet and its biosphere. And she begins to take serious measures …
When you poison cockroaches, emphasizes Reto Knutti, you turn attention, does it hurt or not? What is more important for you? Right: restore order in the house. Nature comes with us approximately as well. And until she destroys us to the same 500 the millions mentioned by Michio Kaku will not calm down. Exactly such a number of inhabitants of the Earth, moreover, no longer possessing atomic warheads, nuclear power plants and other means of destroying the biosphere, safe for our planet.
I can’t say everything, the biologist continues, just don’t I have rights to this, but pay attention to why the world elite suddenly rushed to fight for the environment, why isn’t it restoring Worn-out industrial facilities in the USA and Western Europe? Nobody on it does not allocate money, and in the media, hysteria about a new world war. But because everything, including the politics of the elite, set today to have as few as possible on the planet cockroach people – no more than half a billion. Maybe then with Nature will it be possible to “agree”? Therefore, in the near future we will actually a trembling earth awaits, but no one is to blame climate weapons – they simply do not exist. We are to blame humanity as a whole, which has considered what it can do with this planet whatever. No matter how …