The biorobot was created by scientists from various prostheses – both serial and experimental. He is almost alive. At the London Museum of Science at recently showed a miracle – the world’s first humanoid Bionic Man. It’s almost a sentient, humanoid creature seemed to come to life from the pages science fiction novels. Tall two-meter blond scientists for some reason they gave a name similar to a dog’s nickname – Rex.
A photo from open sources
Bionic Man is a double of a real living person, a psychologist from The University of Zurich by Bertold Mayer. A photo:
In a bionic person, all organs – from the heart to the eyes – do not just artificial. They are among those that the patient already today. can receive in return their own lost or come in unsuitability.
Thanks to prostheses, Rex sees, hears, walks, functions. is he can even maintain a conversation – because the creators have endowed bionic human artificial intelligence. True, he sometimes confused in words – here modern technology is still behind human brain.
Bionic Man is a double of a real living person, a psychologist from University of Zurich by Bertold Mayer, whose left arm is a robotic prosthesis, the same as that of his brother.
Rex still lacks “his” lungs, bladder and stomach – there are no such artificial organs yet. And before the creation artificial brain science is still far away. However, the developers are sure: in the near future, any implant will become available.
Scientists predict that someday healthy people will start replace old organs with new ones as they wear out. Cause it’s a direct path to eternal youth!
But while the prostheses are not so perfect that they could be Possess without emergency.
Cost – 1 million dollars.
Growth – 2 meters.
Hair color is blond.
Eye color – brown.
A photo from open sources
Rex takes the first steps. Photo:
The ear is a cochlear implant representing a small electronic device implanted by a surgical through the patient’s ear. It stimulates the auditory nerve located in the inner ear. Signals from the outside of the implant into the internal, transmitted to the auditory nerve and enter the brain, which recognizes these signals as sounds.
Manufactured at Macquarie University, Sydney.
The eye is a digital camera integrated into glasses. Captures image in real time and transfers it to a microchip that processes images into electrical pulses and sends them to the brain. And from there impulses already go to retinal implant.
Made at the University of California.
The heart – an artificial “motor” is given in action by external air compressors, battery powered and attached to a computerized control for flow control blood. However, this so far not very convenient temporary organ helps patient wait for the donor.
Manufactured by SynCardia, Arizona.
Trachea is completely artificial synthesized respiratory throat. It can be grown based on patient’s own stem cells.
Manufactured at Hampstead Clinical Hospital Royal Free Hospital, London.
Spleen – a special chip filters out and catches infections in the patient’s blood, preventing poisoning.
Made at Yale, Connecticut.
Smart system guides hand and shoulder management. It allows you to control muscle movements by tiny electric impulses. Limb has 26 degrees of movement.
Manufactured by Touch Bionics, Glasgow, and Johns Hopkins University of Maryland.
The pancreas is essentially a special gel, which with increasing sugar content becomes liquid, and when it decreases, it hardens again. Insulin is in a special small metal container, and the vessel itself is implanted into the patient’s body under the skin below the ribs. Capacity connected to the circulatory system – to the veins – using catheters.
Made at the University of Montfort, Leicester, Great Britain.
Blood is a new type of blood substitute that called “plastic blood”, although created from polymer – polyethylene glycol. Outwardly it looks like a red viscous mass, something reminiscent of liquid honey. Stored longer than donor blood, and absolutely sterile.
Manufactured at the University of Sheffield, Great Britain.
Kidney – this implant is based on silicon structures, which form a filter. Natural arterial blood pressure passes through this filter and is fed to a miniature bioreactor in which live kidney cells taken from the donor. An organ the size of a coffee cup. Its easy repair.
Made at the University of California.
Foot and ankle joints – these prostheses most accurately imitate the functions of the human leg. Inserted sensors “read” body movements and deliver the right amount energy for walking, running or climbing.
Manufactured in Massachusetts Technological Institute.
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