Riddle people: healer children – a myth or reality?

A photo from open sources Daily hundreds of people, including from Laos and Vietnam, come to Cambodia, where in a small wooden the hut lives with its parents a two-year-old Kong Keng. Among pilgrims – disabled people and the dying who cannot walk delivered here on a stretcher … According to rumors, the baby is able to heal any disease with leaves and eucalyptus oil. According to relatives of Kong, a wonderful gift was discovered in him quite by accident. “A miracle happened to my brother,” recalls the boy’s uncle, Sun Wang. – He was paralyzed after the accident, and neither doctors nor he could help him. healers. Once, Kong asked him what happened to him, and brother explained that he could not walk. After that, the boy found several leaves and prepared from them tea for him. Paralyzed brother drank tea, got up and went. “The villagers quickly learned about the incident, then the press trumpeted it, and the village began to gather pilgrims … “When the story of Uncle Kong became public public, 20 thousand people came to the village in a month and already more than a thousand of them got rid of their ailments, – the headman told Soo Hyun Village. – I saw people who were dumb, and then talking, and paralyzed, who went home on their own. “” Session treatment “happens like this. Mother Kong brings bottles to his hands with eucalyptus balm or leaves, the baby touches them, passing this “part of his strength”, after which the “medicine” is distributed afflicted. This procedure is free. But many patients want meet with Kong in person, and for this service you already have to pay. According to the boy’s father, 25-year-old Ban Kong, for a personal meeting with his son, a fee of two to three is taken dollar. Maybe for a developed country the amount is miserable, but in Cambodia three dollars a day is the average wage, and some earns less … Despite this, those who want to see the face of Kong is abound. If previously his father earned an average just a thousand dollars a year, now the family’s income is about 2500 dollars a month! Not bad even for Russia, right? Of course, there are those who accuse the boy’s parents of fraud. “Some people say that we are lying for the sake of money, but that they believe in his healing power, not me, “says Ban Kong. Juveniles healers are not uncommon. Every now and then in the press appears information about a child treating a disease. That’s what happened in childhood with a future famous American seer and Healer Edgar Cayce. Once during a baseball game at school the yard ball hit the boy in the back of the head. He immediately started silly giggle, make faces and wave arms. I grabbed it from the stove at home a frying pan with unroasted coffee beans and rushed into the yard. He told his mother that he was going to sow coffee … Parents managed to to put the child in a nervous excitement to bed. The next day it was decided to call a doctor. But barely father hid Edgar with a blanket, he said quietly: “Urgently put me up all night a poultice on the back of the head. I got hit with a ball on the head. If not put a poultice, by morning I will completely go crazy. What if set, get well. “Then the boy fell asleep soundly. Mrs. Casey obeyed filial advice and prepared a poultice of medicinal herbs and cornmeal. The next morning, the little boy woke up completely healthy. True, he did not remember anything that happened to him. after hitting the head. The story of how a guy prescribed himself a cure for madness, received wide publicity. And soon Edgar I realized that he can heal others. Miracle recipes came to him in a dream – or rather, in a strange state in which he fell from time to time and which in our time would be called a trance. Glory about “sleeping healer” flew all over America … A few years ago in Beijing opened a clinic where patients are treated by children. Head of the clinic Dr. Yang teaches them the basics of preschool age pulsodiagnosis and other tricks. To learn to distinguish 600 types of pulse and diagnose them, it requires not only skill, but also certain extrasensory abilities … However, According to journalists, young doctors rarely make mistakes. Treated here massage, acupuncture, as well as various decoctions … Always there are those who believe that child healers are a myth, invented by adults who use it for their own purposes, usually for the sake of profit. In many cases, the healing abilities of such children really not confirmed. But sometimes they really help the sick. So, no definite conclusions should be made. Margarita Troitsyna

Time Russia Edgar Cayce

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