Riding a woodpecker is weak?

Riding a woodpecker is weak?A photo from open sources

The picture in which the photographer Martin Le May captured the rarest shot of the flight of a weasel on a woodpecker, literally circled the entire Internet, and before still continues a peculiar triumphal “procession” of sites World Wide Web.

This is understandable, this is not seen every day, even in photographs, not to mention peeping it in nature. In the picture you can clearly see how the weasel, literally clinging to the bird, flies on her. But the green woodpecker itself, as Business experts noted Insider, doesn’t look happy at the same time, he’s just scared, therefore it’s difficult to imagine even from this single photograph that the bird having fun and riding a small animal on its back. It’s more like a fight moreover, the struggle is not for life, but for death …

By the way, the subsequent pictures of the photographer just show it is: the fall of the woodpecker with affection, their struggle on the earth from which the woodpecker manage to break out and remain, if not quite a winner, then not the vanquished. A little predatory petting, frustrated and clearly vexed, hid in the thick grass. It must be assumed that the flight on the back of the woodpecker did not bring her any buzz, but he saved the woodpecker a life…


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