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Passage du Gois is laid along the bottom (its highest place) of Bournjöf Bay. She connects the French island of Noirmoutier with mainland. However, due to sea tides and low tide, accessible for movement, this route becomes only on several hours, and twice a day completely goes under water – the highest water level in some places reaches four meters.
A photo from open sources
If we turn to history, then the isthmus connecting the island with mainland, first mentioned in written sources (on old maps) in 1701. Already in the middle of the XIX century it was built here capital cobblestone road, which allowed to move no longer only on foot, but also on horses with carts. Currently Passage du Gois – a modern four and a half track kilometers. That’s just this road is constantly “hiding in the sea” that creates considerable problems.
A photo from open sources
Even such a short leg is considered very risky. for movement. Sometimes travelers do not save numerous warning signs, no tidal schedule and low tide. The fact that the water in this place begins to arrive very quickly, for this reason, someone, yes, will certainly fall into the trap. For such unfortunate even special towers were built along the highway, on which people can wait out the tide. True, save the car in in this case will not succeed – and this is the main trouble of this road for numerous tourists (locals have long adapted to this moody way).
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
Island Water