Robot poet writes poetry in the sand

Robot poet writes poetry in the sandPhotos from open sources of

Robots are gradually replacing humans, and not only from areas with mechanical work: robots are already composing music, writing paintings, novels …

And the Japanese programmer and designer Yuxi Liu has already created a robot, who is able to write poetry. This strange box is leisurely today rolls along the edge of the sea, collects information from the world around him, for example, captures the speed of the wind, admires flying gulls, listening to the roar of the waves, and then based on everything he composes something poetic and immediately writes down his work in the sand.

Strange-looking robot poet, however, is distinguished by familiar qualities for such a creative person: he loves solitude, possesses a huge stock of words embedded in it programmer mom, knows how to perceive, and perhaps even feel the beauty of nature, writes well in the sand, but, most importantly, not upset when his next masterpiece is ruthlessly washed away running waves of the sea. It is enough for him that sometimes these verses people read, read, wonder and even admire.

Yuxi Liu created her robot at the University of Edinburgh for writing a dissertation on such a complex science as computer science. She and had no idea that her robot would turn from a scientist into a poet, but as it turned out, he had a craving for a poetic perception of the world and his poetic expression is in the sand …

Yuxi Liu intends to continue to work in this direction, creating new amazing robots under the general name “I, the machine” – smart, mysterious and probably something very reminiscent of people …


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