Robot self-destructs in America

In America, a robot self-destructedPhotos from open sources of

There is a joke that the first artificial intelligence, which will learn to think humanly, will soon commit suicide, realizing all transience of being.

Perhaps this statement is much closer to the truth than could be suggest earlier. The fact is that on Monday, July 17, near 136 kilogram drowned in one of Washington’s offices “Knightscope” is the next generation robot guard.

Local technicians believe that the machine probably happened failure, and she drove into the water on her own “oversight.” Not less, eyewitnesses of the incident claim that a normal robot, one and a half meters high, went to the fountain as if from in advance deliberate intention and flopped into the elements directly from the stairs. Passers-by got their mobile phones and set to work. taking pictures of an electric suicide. Internet hit the pictures received a lot of comments.

“In 2017, we were promised the colonization of other planets and flying cars, but in reality we got suicide robots, “writes one web user.

“Artificial intelligence has developed so much so that on its own realized the futility of his existence, “says another.

“It turns out that the best defense in case of a robo-apocalypse for us will be the steps, “the third ironically.

A photo from open sources

In general, we can say that artificial intelligence has already reached sufficient heights, if thought of suicide. Left to him guess that he is far superior to man, and then earthly civilizations, as the founder of Tesla and SpaceX warns billionaire Elon Musk, the end will come. It is with such treatment the scientist turned to the governments of the leading countries of the world at a recent meeting of the National Association of Governors, calling as much as possible rather proceed to state regulation in this industry, otherwise trouble can not be avoided, writes Fortune magazine.

Artificial Intelligence Robots

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