The Black Sea rock Sail is a forgotten instrument of the ancients. Those who comes from the USSR and used to travel to our Black Sea region Krasnodar Territory, they well know this rock visible from a distance from the sea – its original form and originality – nothing, not even a little or more or less similar there is not only nearby, but on everything Black Sea coast. Photo from open sources And meanwhile, this “phenomenon nature, “as explained by the guides, not only not natural, but of artificial, and even artificial magic origin. According to psychics, this is a giant gnomon of antiquity, accurate astronomical instrument, enabling with great accuracy determine the time of day by the luminaries and anticipate different natural phenomena – eclipses, arrivals of comets, indicate the exact time of summer and winter solstice, spring and summer equinox, space cataclysms approaching time Bigger and very accurate a device capable of indicating time in the sun to the accuracy half a minute, exists now on Earth, but it is much more late origin. The same gnomon is a central honor sundial – has an age of at least five thousand years and comparable in age to those built nearby, on the coast, dolmens. Even now, at such a venerable age, he has a straight, vertically cut side facing the shore and beautiful, graceful contour resembling the wing of a giant butterfly. The stone was selected from the array and cut from a vertically extending layer of sedimentary rock, interspersed in these parts with soft white calcareous marl. (In other places it was impossible to do – either the layers go horizontally or at an angle – towards Betta, either – vertically, but consist of soft marl – to the side Divnomorskoy).
Photo from open sources After removing excess soil, the rock was fixed with special forces from falling, the same ones that hold menhirs for thousands of years and even in a seemingly unstable position stones do not let them fall. A square window that used to be perfectly flat, it allows you to very accurately establish the location stars in the sky, using those in a semicircle beyond the edge of the gnomon, stones with small holes – similar now found in Mexico, and made at about the same time. (Unfortunately, the stones are for past millennia have not survived due to storms and use their later tribes who did not know the purpose of this astronomical instrument). Exact time was also used. ancient for knowing the time of working with dolmens and discovering and closing portals to other worlds, because they knew and saw that the planet is living, and its breath, which opens and closes the earthly pores, regulates the life of all creatures living on it, including non-protein. Perhaps in the future this watch will be restored and more will serve people for their good.
Time Stones