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Employees of an innovative research complex Vorobyovy Gory in Moscow is currently working on the creation the so-called Noah’s Ark of the twenty-first century. This is about a highly modern storage facility for collecting biomaterials of organisms, which are rare, are on the verge of extinction, or even managed to disappear from the face of the earth.
It is assumed that, if necessary, these species can be recreate through cloning.
The opening of the “ark” is planned for 2018. Creating a depository was announced in 2014 by the rector of the Moscow State University Victor Sadovnichev. Russian Science Foundation provided the project with a grant of one billion rubles.
Domestic scientists will work in this repository with materials of various types – starting with individual molecules biological origin and ending with whole living organisms. The basis for such an ambitious and incredible a responsible project served as numerous biological MSU collection: its museum of anthropology, botanical garden, zoological museum, as well as faculties of bioinformatics, bioengineering and fundamental medicine.
A photo from open sources
Noah’s Ark in case of global catastrophe
Cellular material will be stored through cryogenic frosts. The latest information systems will allow researchers create a huge databank that will combined with other Russian and some foreign banks.
The creation of a depository is designed to contribute to conservation biological diversity of the planet and the search for new methods effective use of biomaterials. Work program storage facilities have already been divided into five areas: people, animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms, as well as biological information.
Thus, an innovative Russian depository will allow to humanity in the event of any global catastrophe, for example, Apocalypse, restore on Earth a population of organisms whose cells will be in storage. Notably that any other biobanks in the world specialize in specific biomaterials, for example, only on plants or only on microbes.
On such a project, our compatriots, according to them, inspired by the work of famous Soviet geneticist and breeder Nikolay Vavilov, who collected plant seeds from all ends of the planet to preserve the diversity for humanity terrestrial flora.
Plants Russia