Russia is ready for the end of the world worse than anyone

A photo from open sources

On Thursday, a round table discussion on the current issue took place at Rosbalt news agency topic: “Apocalypse 2012: who benefits?” Individual skeptics sure that the end of the world is pure speculation. “Sooner end, the higher consumption. People used to think about how deserve eternal life. Eugene Ubiyko inside the capsule, created by him in case of the end of the world. Photo from the ITAR-TASS B archive postmodern era the main motto is – consume more! Eat, drink, bathe in luxury, and if you do not have money for it, then work, and Then eat, drink and bathe in luxury with the money you earned! Therefore, it is beneficial to constantly keep biomass in anticipation of the end light to eat more, “- said political analyst Valery Korovin. During the event, it turned out that “interest in the end of the world in Russia stronger than in Europe. “It turns out that compatriots are all waiting for that the moment when petrodollars finally flow into their pockets, and not in pockets of oligarchs. And since this, you see, gives hopelessness, the expectation of justice goes into the expectation of the end light, after which the world must begin to live according to other laws. Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor Sergey Zenkevich gave a slightly different explanation: “We live in ridiculous conditions in which no one but Russian, will not be able to survive. The apocalypse can come to us at any moment. We may or may not love Americans, but we must recognize that the US has created a whole system to protect its territory from cataclysms. We don’t do this. “But in Soviet times, professor nostalgically remarked, “gas masks were lying in the subway, and every month we were shown how it works. “Then Sergey Zenkevich told an instructive story. It turns out back in the years Cold War American and Soviet astronomers make out Icarus meteorite, which was about to crash into the Earth. Because of this a monstrous tsunami would have arisen and everything was washed away. USSR and USA urgently started to create a saving territory: we chose a huge grief, drilled a hole and built inside small towns with all infrastructure. Russia no longer has a saving town – he was in the territory of one of the former Soviet republics, and The United States remained. “After all, they did something in the USSR to save at least the elect! “- Zenkevich lamented. However, in today’s Russia the chosen ones will surely be saved during any cataclysms. Adelaide SIGIDA

Money End of the World Russia USSR USA

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