Russia plans to dilute conventional fuel water

Russia plans to dilute fuel with ordinary waterA photo from open sources

Scientists of the Academy of Sciences of Russia claim that fuel is quite possible dilute with water, and such a mixture is much more effective than fuel in its pure form.

This is the conclusion developers of new sources have come to. Energy of the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Russian scientists, writes the publication Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, managed to combine water and fuel so that it turned out to be combustible an emulsion superior in all respects to the original fuel, and here why:

  • firstly, the consumption of fuel itself is significantly reduced, and this can already be considered the main achievement of this development;
  • secondly, the internal engine power increases combustion (DVZ), especially at high speeds;
  • thirdly, the life of the motor is extended;
  • and finally, such combined fuel is more environmentally friendly clean, and both in terms of the release of toxic substances into the environment environment, and as a result of a meager consumption of hydrocarbons at same efficiency.

The whole “trick” in this case is that scientists succeeded by adding surfactants to the mixture to achieve that water, even with its large volume in a given emulsion, does not extinguish the flame, but itself participates in a chemical reaction combustion. Moreover, according to the developers, the volume of water can be bring in this mixture to 95 percent.

A photo from open sources

Specialists of the Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences assure in modern DVZ, fuel burned extremely inefficiently, most of it is spent on engine cylinder cooling. In the case of a fuel-water emulsion water takes over the role of the cooler – and this problem goes away, therefore it is one more plus of use in engines internal combustion is not gasoline or diesel fuel, namely emulsions with water. TO Moreover, such emulsions can be prepared not only on the basis of hydrocarbons, say Russian scientists …

All this may seem fantastic, but in history amazing inventions you can recall the experience of a Portuguese Andres, who at the beginning of the last century emigrated to the United States and here proposed a similar fuel-water emulsion, which is more than successfully passed the test during the rally “Washington – New York – Washington. “But … that was the problem: a unique fluid Andres needed only a few drops on a bucket of water so that this the volume turned into fuel, far superior to gasoline. It is clear that some of the oil tycoons did not like this very much, and the great inventor … just disappeared without a trace with his discovery …

Let’s hope that such a fate will not befall Russian scientists, and even more so that their unprecedented discovery is not will be put under the cloth …

Water Russia

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