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In the Amur region of the Russian Federation may appear unique equipment to extract from the burned coal gold. At the Amur Scientific Center, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences developed an innovative technology, thanks to which of one tons of burned coal can be obtained one gram of precious metal, standing today about three thousand rubles.
Fifteen years, domestic scientists studied the composition of stone coal mined in various deposits of the Amur region, and determined that one ton of such fuel contains approximately one gram of gold. If smoke is passed through coal burning special filters, the precious metal contained in the smoke will settle on the filter elements along with other waste. Various impurities from this mass are easily washed out with water, after which the resulting gold concentrate can be sent to refining.
Amur researchers have already patented their invention and hoping to receive one and a half million grant in the innovation center Skolkovo. If the grant is granted, then the industrial installation will getting gold from coal will appear in one of the boiler houses of the region already next year. Representatives of the local Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities also ready to provide all possible assistance to specialists. Meanwhile, the deputy State Duma Alexander Sidyakin considered this idea inappropriate especially considering the fact that Russian boiler houses cannot legally produce precious metals.
Recall that today the golden reserve of our country is 1583.2 tons, which makes Russia the sixth state on the planet in volumes of gold accumulations. In recent years, the Russian Federation has been actively buying up gold world, strengthening its economic position and trying get rid of dollar addiction. However, own production gold is another way to replenish the country’s gold reserves. And in In this case, the position of the State Duma deputy, from which, incidentally, depends on the perfection of the legislative framework RF