Russian Air Force moves to SMS control

A photo from open sources

Russian Air Force began installation and installation of a new control system and communications of long-range aviation, distributing target designation commands to long-range and strategic bombers Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22M3, which able to hit ground objects with a nuclear charge. System management works on the principle of telegraph or SMS, sending encoded text messages with nuclear orders strokes and target coordinates.

As a source in the main headquarters of the Air Force told Izvestia, the modules systems will be mounted on planes during scheduled repairs, to which several machines are subjected per year as they are developed resource.

If in the old coordinate system the pilots had to enter manually into the missile control system, then in the new – data arrive automatically, without crew participation, the source explained publications.

– At the command post, the operator types the message text with transceiver keyboards. Each character system Assigns an encrypted digital code and broadcasts it. Behind a few seconds the signal reaches the plane and is decrypted there, – The representative of the Air Force described the principle of the system.

According to him, the system uses ordinary messages to send messages. radio channels and redundant (multiple) encryption. Thereby you don’t need to use satellites to communicate with the plane, and if communication with the plane will be interrupted, the system of message fragments will be able to restore the entire message. The signal is sent only to unilaterally – from headquarters to the aircraft.

– Old communication systems, such as the P-099 Chaika, are pretty sensitive to radio interference, and transmission, decryption and introduction data takes a few minutes. New system speeds up the process retargeting air strategic forces thousands of times and makes impossible mistake due to the “human factor”, – explained interlocutor of Izvestia.

According to him, thanks to the latest data transfer algorithm, operating on the principle of excessive encryption, the system is practically invulnerable to radio interference, so the enemy will not be able to interfere activate and redirect strategic bombers before nuclear strike.

Military expert, one of the authors of the book “The New Army of Russia” Anton Lavrov explained to Izvestia that the main reason for the introduction the new system – the physical deterioration of the old.

– No other reasons for modernizing the control system. long-range bombers no. Just now those components which were used to create existing communication modules, already no one releases, so they decided to use a new one to replace them element base. On top of that, it makes the system more resistant to radio interference, – said Lavrov.

He added that the launch command receiving system is one of the most vulnerable places with long-range bombers.

– “Strategists” patrol several tens of hours in separation from their bases. During this time, the situation can dramatically change, so the most important thing for the command of nuclear forces quickly and clearly convey the order to strike, as well as coordinates of the target. For the crew, the main thing is to get this order and not make a mistake in choosing a goal. Naturally, the adversary does everything to such an order did not get on board the aircraft or got distorted. In the new system, it’s almost impossible to stop receiving a command, – explained Lavrov.

The expert also added that now digital communication systems information to strategic bombers is only in the air force USA.

Order for components of the new control and communication system in the amount of 11 million rubles of the Ministry of Defense posted on the website of public procurement. Among them – transceiver devices of telecode communication R-097M. The only the manufacturer of these systems is Kaluga research institute of telemechanical devices.

Time Russia Airplanes

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