Russian died three years before opening particles predicted by him

The Russian died three years before the discovery of the particle predicted by himA photo from open sources

Scientists have made another breakthrough in the study of matter. The Large Hadron Collider allowed as a result of the series experiments to open a pentaquark – a subatomic particle that consists of five quarks. Interestingly, the earlier discovery of this particle It was predicted by Russian scientists Maxim Polyakov, Dmitry Dyakonov and Viktor Petrov, who are employees Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics.

Unfortunately, one of these theorists, namely Dmitry Dyakonov, left the world three years ago, failing to hear about confirmation your hypothesis. According to his colleagues, they are very sorry that the scientist did not manage to live up to this important discovery.

The importance of the discovery made with the Large Hadron collider, is that it allows humanity to better understand the microworld, which is undoubtedly one of the keys to understanding the existence of the universe.

The pentaquark, as mentioned above, is made up of five quarks. For comparison, the neutron and proton have three basic elementary particles. In this case, the mass of the pentaquark was four to five times higher than theirs. In general, according to scientists, the existence of a particle with five quarks is not anything supernatural. However state predicted by domestic theorists and experimentally confirmed by European experts, it is important the fact that new particles, as can be concluded, possess unusually long time of existence.

Hadron Collider

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