Russian engineer awarded the Shnobel Prize for turning explosives into diamonds

Russian engineer Igor Petrov, who developed the method turning explosives into tiny diamonds has become one of winners of the Shnobel Prize 2012 (Ig Nobel Prize). Ceremony presenting awards for non-standard ideas and absurd scientific achievements held at Harvard University in the city Boston (Massachusetts). Photo from open sources “Ladies, if you need diamonds, we will meet after the ceremony. But don’t forget to grab your explosives, “joked Petrov, who works for SKN, located in the science city of Snezhinsk in the Chelyabinsk region, reports ITAR-TASS. As noted on the company’s website, nanodiamonds are blasting synthetic powder material explosives in special conditions. “Ignobel” Petrov was awarded with colleagues. Antinobel Prize, which in Russia is called Shnobelevskaya, awarded since 1991, with awards winners receive from the hands of Nobel laureates. This year in the ceremony was attended in particular by a Nobel laureate 2007 Economics Eric Maskin. Initiator of the award “Ignobel”, often referred to as the “thunderstorm of unlucky scientists”, is the humorous magazine Annals of Improbable Research. The prize is traditionally awarded for discoveries, “which first cause laughter and then make you think. “Organizers present Ignobel in ten nominations. This year among the laureates included, in addition to Petrov, the Japanese inventors who created the device, allowing you to remotely “shut your mouth” to any talker or screamer. Dutch psychologists received the “Shnobelevka” for studying why the Eiffel Tower seems smaller when you look at it, leaning to the left. Four also received the Antinobel Prize American researchers have demonstrated that using complex equipment can record the activities of the head brain in dead fish. The band was also marked by Ignobel British and American researchers explaining why when tails on women’s heads swing. Among the winners were also a professor from the University of California in Santa Barbara, native of Russia Ruslan Krechetnikov and his graduate student Hans Meyer, who studied the cause of coffee spilling when walking. Physicists have come to the conclusion that this is to blame, first turn, the uneven step of the carrying cup. The medicine Scientists from the University of Mexico found out how worries about grades and exams affect the condition of the student’s teeth. It turned out that such a relationship really exists. More you worried about studying, the more you develop caries. For researchers come to this conclusion for a year watched 73 volunteers. It turned out that because of the nervous experience in a person decreases salivation, which is not the most favorably affects dental health. Biology Professor Lee Murray from the University of Kansas decided find out who is more among the sheep – right-handed or left-handed. He spent an experiment involving more than 300 sheep. To each participant the experiment, the researcher led into a T-shaped labyrinth, and then watched and recorded which way she would turn. It turned out that among sheep, the percentage of righties is about the same as among people: 65.7% of the animals at the crossroads turned right. Moreover, on the second turn of the “right-hander” sharply changed their route and turned left. Artiodactyl lefties turned out to be much more consistent of their kinsmen who love to “walk to the right.” Physiology Belgian researchers from Leuven Catholic University tried to determine by the ratio of lengths index and ring fingers on the girl’s left hand, which the test person leads a lifestyle: sports or inactive. how it’s easy to predict, the researchers failed. For this they were nominated for the Shnobel Prize in Physiology. Other contenders Korean scientist Henryang Hooh from Seoul found that the smaller the ratio of the size of the index and ring fingers in girls 12-14 years old, the less they are prone to fanatical celebrity worship Australian and German scientists have proven that using Coca-Cola can determine the presence of uranium in mines and soil. It is best to use for these purposes diet cola. Researchers from Britain and Holland proved that men with narrow faces are more likely to die in fights than broad-faced representatives of the stronger sex. For women, this scheme does not work. American students launched into space rubber chicken Camille to meet a powerful radiation storm. The first in the world “elastic astronaut” managed to reach a height of 36 kilometers. Photo from open sources © Photo: Official website Shnobel Prize Shnobel Prize (Ignobel Prize, anti-Nobel Prize) – one of the most famous international antipremy, a parody of the prestigious world scientific award – Nobel Prize The name of the award is a pun: in English it sounds like Ig Nobel Prize (consonant with English. ignoble – “shameful”) and is a parody of the English sound The Nobel Prize names are Nobel Prize. According to one version, the name also includes a hint of the name Ig Nobel, worn by the inventor of soda pop. In adapted translated into Russian, the name sounds like the “Shnobel Prize”, however, the Ignobel Prize options also apply. “The Nobel Prize” and the “Anti-Nobel Prize”. Shnobelevskaya The prize was established in 1991 by the American magazine Annals incredible research “(Annals of Improbable Research, AIR) at the participation of co-founder and editor of the magazine Mark Abrahams (Marc Abrahams). Since 1999, ten Schnobel’s premiums (in the period 1991-1998, their number ranged from 4 to 11): classic “Nobel” nominations (physics, chemistry, medicine / physiology, literature, economics and the struggle for peace) categories are added, the subjects of which are approved every year Shnobelevsky Committee separately. In different years in number “fickle” nominations included: dietetics, archeology, biology, cognitive science, linguistics, ornithology, acoustics, nutrition, gas and gas dynamics, agriculture, healthcare, psychology, engineering, technology, hygiene, astrophysics, information technology, environmental protection, sociology, education, entomology, meteorology, art, consumer goods, as well as applied sciences). The jury is the Council Managers, which includes the editors of Annals of Improbable Research, professional scientists (including Nobel laureates), journalists from different countries. The jury is never going to full force, communication takes place by e-mail. Not less, final decisions are made by a live vote of members jury that takes place at the editors of Annals of Improbable Research. For objectivity, right from the street they invite additional arbitrator with a full vote. Candidates for anyone can nominate a prize, it is allowed and self-nomination. According to the official wording, the Shnobel Prize awarded “for achievements that first cause laughter, and then – meditation “(the original wording of 1991 read:” for achievements that cannot be reproduced or it makes no sense do it “). With the exception of three prizes awarded in the first year ceremonies, all awards imply the presence of scientific laureates works and publications on a declared topic. Award sponsors advocate Harvard Computer Society, Association of Scientific Harvard Radcliffe Science Fiction and Physics Student Society Harvard Radcliffe. Presentation takes place on the eve of delivery Nobel Prize. The ceremony was originally held in Massachusetts. Institute of Technology. Now the Shnobel Prize is awarded in Hall of the Sanders Theater at Harvard University, which gave the world the largest number of Nobel laureates. Laureates receive an award from the hands of real Nobel laureates dressed up for such an occasion in ridiculous costumes and equipped with fake glasses and false noses. There is a tradition according to which viewers during awards launch paper planes onto the stage, which after Harvard professor sweeping graduation Roy Glauber (Nobel Laureate in Physics 2005), appointed by the official “broom keeper” of the Shnobel Committee. The response speech of the Shnobel Prize winners should not last more than 60 seconds. Those who break this limit are stopped by Miss Sweet Pu “(Miss Sweetie Poo) – a little girl going on stage and exclaimingly whimsical: “Please stop, I’m bored!” The form Shnobel Prizes is different: they can be made in the form foil or clacking jaw medals on a stand. Certificate, certifying its receipt, signed by three laureates Nobel Prize. Award in some cases expresses veiled criticism, but in most cases Shnobelevsky committee draws attention to research papers, title or topic which contains funny or funny elements. For instance, study on calculating the total surface area of ​​indian elephants; conclusion that black holes are suitable in their parameters for the location of hell; work examining whether it will be infected food that falls to the floor and lies there for less than five seconds. Ceremony presentation of the Shnobel Prize traditionally ends with the words host: “If you have not won this award – and especially if won – good luck next year! “. In a few days after the ceremony at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are held unofficial Shnobel lectures at which the laureates receive the opportunity to explain the essence and significance of their research. Russian scientists received the Shnobel Prize twice. In 1992 her laureate in the field of literature was a Russian chemist and crystallographer, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Struchkov. Employee Institute of Organic Compounds in Moscow was not related to literature, but was amazingly fruitful. From 1981 to 1990 he published 948 scientific papers. On average, as the founders calculated Ignobel, – one work every 3.9 days. In 2002, the prize in areas of the economy went to managers, managers and auditors Gazprom for using the mathematical concept of imaginary numbers in the business world. In 2000, the Shnobel Prize along with Andrew Michael Berry from the University of Bristol received Andrew Game (born in the USSR, but left in 1990) for work on the use of magnets for levitation (floating in the air) frogs.

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