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There is nothing eternal, as you know, in our world, but always I want to use something that can serve for many years, invariably maintaining its high functional qualities. When speech is about Russian roads, then in principle I would like them to just were. Unbroken highways and dotted with urban holes asphalt, and full roads on which it would be easy and nice ride.
Perhaps one of the eternal Russian problems will be solved a resident of Omsk, who came up with a new generation of roadbed, not having world analogues. First, Alexander believed that his the invention is suitable exclusively for the northern regions of our immense homeland, but then adjusted the project for megacities. According to the author, roads with moving elements will be extremely durable and easy to install.
Using miniature metal puzzles, Russian He showed reporters how his invention will work. The structure will consist of pyramid-shaped concrete blocks, connected by special locks. When the coating will be load, puzzles begin to shift, at the same time increasing the strength of the road and creating outlet ducts for rain and melt water. In this case, the greater the pressure will be to be on the structure, the more soil will be compacted from below.
Will Russia have the best roads in the world?
Omsk craftsman reports that such a road surface can be laid directly on the sand without any soil deposits and auxiliary layers. This will significantly reduce not only the cost, but also the complexity of laying roads in Russia.
A photo from open sources
Alexander has already managed to patent his innovation. To patent issued, required examination, during which it was necessary prove the benefits of the invention. Special commission studied interesting collapsible road cover and tested it on several types of soil. It turned out that the brainchild of a Russian really has undeniable operational advantages over solid concrete slabs. Experts considered what is the innovation can be effectively used even in conditions permafrost.
Omich has already sent letters to the local ministry of construction, to the governor of the region, to Rosavtodor and even the presidential administration RF In his messages, the inventor calls on officials get acquainted with its development and evaluate the prospects for its implementation in country. While civil servants are thinking, Alexander is trying improve the road surface, making it even more functional and durable.