Russian microbiologist Konstantin Severinov about achievements and challenges of genetic engineering

Russian microbiologist Konstantin Severinov on the achievements and problems of genetic engineeringA photo from open sources

Responding to questions from a RT correspondent, Russian microbiologist, Professor, Rutgers University of the USA and Skolkovo Institute science of the Russian Federation Konstantin Severinov tried to highlight the achievements of gene the engineering that most excites the general public.

For example, take the problem of human cloning. According to scientist, human cloning is no different from cloning animal, say, of the same sheep dolly that was done another 20 years back. The only problem is aesthetics, not opportunities. And further, perhaps the practical feasibility of such cloning.

A photo from open sources

Let’s say, professor says, you have a high yield cow. It makes sense to get a clone of the same highly productive Burenki? Of course. But with a person is a completely different matter. Human individual and the clone will be individual. Speaking more in simple terms, two twins in the womb are clones. But does Do they grow the same as individuals? This is very similar to the plot. Bulgakov’s novel “The Heart of a Dog,” where Professor Preobrazhensky accurately observes that his experiment is interesting only with scientific point of view, but not from a practical point of view, since any village a woman can give birth (produce a new person) much easier and more natural. With human clones, it’s about the same. Never a clone will not replace a person, thus making him immortal as this is often shown in science fiction films. It will be completely another man.

A photo from open sources

Affected Severinov and the problem with GMO products and their danger for a person. In his opinion, this is another deep misconception, which is among people. After all, what is breeding work past centuries, for example, the well-known Michurin? Same intervention and change in the genome of a particular culture, only it all happened slowly. Modern genetic engineering creates new species of a plant are much faster, but the differences are no. The altered gene of the same tomato cannot be made a tomato a person, as they often frighten an average person, or even at least somehow affect the human genome – genes are well protected from this, otherwise we would all be tomatoes for a long time …

A photo from open sources

Finally, addressing the issue of bacterial adaptability to modern medications, such as antibiotics, Russian microbiologist emphasized that these microorganisms are far from enemies to man, people – these are, roughly speaking, vessels with microbes. You must understand that bacteria exist on Earth for billions of years, and will exist when there is no memory left of us on the planet. This is not to say that these microorganisms are wiser than us, but they are more adapted to life in any conditions, and therefore fight with them methods of “artificial destruction” – is useless. In addition, we we simply cannot exist without these microorganisms, they our genes are changing, but not GMO products. Why destroying supposedly “harmful” bacteria, we swift all in a row, thereby causing ourselves huge damage. Isn’t it easier (more necessary) to strengthen the immune system than fight practically with yourself? ..


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