Russian pilots saved in Antarctica Chinese tourist

Russian pilots rescued a Chinese tourist in AntarcticaA photo from open sources

The title of the article will seem strange to many, right? As if it’s not about the mysterious and almost closed to free visits to Antarctica, and about some forests of the Amazon, albeit dangerous to humans, also little studied, but not prohibited for visits and studies from almost any person.

How did it happen that a Chinese traveler got into Antarctica, and even in a critical situation?

But for those who do not know this, we’ll clarify that tourism in Antarctica began to be practiced since the sixties of the past centuries, and now the ice continent in the tourist season visited by tens of thousands of people from all over the world (see video below). These are snowshoeing, skiing and skiing and mountain activities, as well as much more, starting from visiting strictly localized and practically safe areas of ice mainland and ending with extreme hiking difficulties (to the south pole, for example), which, we note, are rare and carried out, as a rule, only with government support (vowels and unspoken).

It’s hard to say which category of complexity Chinese tourist route, but to save him into the air from Cape Town was raised by the Russian aircraft IL-76-TD-90VD, which landed at the Antarctic airfield of Novolazarevskaya station, where the man was previously taken in serious condition.

However, everything is covered in some veil of understatement. At first, the hapless traveler turned out to be a member of the tourist group (and everything – no more words or half-words), secondly, no one says what happened to him, limiting himself to information that a person suddenly urgently needed qualified medical care on hospital level, which is why he was taken by plane to Cape Town. Moreover, he was accompanied by a Russian doctor even during the flight polar station.

In the hospital itself, too, nothing became clear, except that hospital doctors assured reporters: at the moment, life Chinese tourist is out of danger, he is under surveillance doctors – everything is fine. Directly detective story, however, to Unfortunately, without continuing …

Antarctica Time China Aircraft

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