A photo from open sources
A team of four Petersburg climbers managed to conquer Nepalese mountain with a height of over seven kilometers. Ruslan Kirichenko, Valery Shamalo, Ivan Dozhdev and Alexander Gukov became the first people caught at the peak of Tulagi, whose height is seven thousand fifty nine meters. According to climbers, before that they made six unsuccessful attempts to climb the mountain, however now they are finally lucky.
Climbing members currently celebrating their triumph make a detailed description of the route, so that they other climbers could take advantage of the future. This expedition took almost a month from our compatriots – from the fifth September to the second of October. The Russians spent seven on the ascent days, and previously unknown route took them seventeen days.
A photo from open sources
Each member of the group had extensive experience in climbing mountains however athletes last adventure consider the most interesting and exciting in my life. Climbers were forced to collide with rockfalls and stone screes – many received light and medium injuries. Ivan Dozhdev a stone rolled down from the rocks hit directly on the forehead. Fortunately trauma was not hazardous to health, and the man was almost recovering from her.
Once the Russians almost fell under an avalanche that blew them away tents. Similar dangers forced climbers to adjust previously planned route and start moving on a gentle slope slope, and not over a steep rock, as originally planned.
A photo from open sources
It is worth noting that the Nepalese authorities in order to attract Tourists discovered Tulagi for climbing even twelve years ago. First, Japanese climbers planned to climb the peak, but nothing came of them. Then here unsuccessfully tortured fate team consisting of Russian and Belarusian athletes. In 2011 year tragically ended the ascent on the year of Belarusian climbers – the whole team disappeared without a trace. Then to Tulagi Athletes from Krasnoyarsk tried to pass in vain. Finally, Petersburg climbers managed not only to conquer the peak, but also come back alive and practically healthy.