Photo from open sources
Technology electronic, or the so-called cold pasteurization, used today in many Western countries, will soon be applied in Russia.
The law authorizing it has already been in force since the beginning of this year, however officials will need another year or two to prepare state standards. After that, the Russian Federation will begin to irradiate those products that cannot be pasteurized by electrons heating up.
Electronic pasteurization allows thirty percent increase the shelf life, and hence the shelf life of vegetables, fruits, greens, meat, grains and many other food products. She will improve quality food products and will contribute to successful import substitution, which our country is striving for today.
While in Russia they still sell non-pasteurized fruits and vegetables that quickly deteriorate, from the west come to us such the same products that remain cold on pasteurization counters much longer. Chilled meat takes two to three weeks additional shelf life, potatoes do not germinate, parsley does not rot, and pears are not covered with dark spots. Irradiate electrons can also salads, spices, sweets, loose teas and much more.
Russia was the founder of product exposure electrons
It is noteworthy that the first country where they began to use cold pasteurization, it was the Soviet Union. According to the decree Council of Ministers of the USSR, in 1958 began to irradiate with electrons cereals and potatoes for the purpose of their disinfection. At Odessa elevator then they installed two large accelerators through which passed all grain sent by the Soviet state for export. The technology was quickly adopted by China and India, after which the relay was transferred to North and South America, as well as Europe. Now, by irony of fate, it will again be accepted by Russia, where many Soviet the achievements were after the collapse of the USSR forgotten, forgotten.
A photo from open sources
Domestic scientists note that the average consumer to such “innovation” is still wary, although absolutely there is no reason for concern, since such a method food disinfection is completely safe. Energy electrons is not more than five megaelectron-volts, which is not can lead to a photonuclear reaction. And as soon as the accelerator turns off, all radiation completely disappears. Therefore, the products can not be considered damaged by radiation and even more so. more infected with its residues. So little energy is enough solely to kill all microorganisms on the surface food products.
When all Russian products will go cold pasteurization?
Experts, however, acknowledge that due to electronic pasteurization, free chemical radicals are formed, being mutagens and carcinogens. However, scientists assure that their number is negligible, and no destructive effects on humans, their content in food will not. For instance, urban air is much more harmful for human health (hundreds, and then a thousand times), but something is not noticeable to the residents megalopolises sounded the alarm or massively left the city …
It is noted that the industrial accelerator for cold Pasteurization costs today between one and three million dollars. Obviously, they will not be able to immediately afford such a technique. all food enterprises of our vast country, so you can suggest that at first products pasteurized cold method, we will be a real curiosity.
Russia USSR Fruit