A Russian scientist has just received a patent for his an invention that can cause rain. Similar ideas are extremely relevant. After all, it’s not oil and gas at all, but fresh water will be the main Deficit of the 21st century, many scientists say. Photo from open sources Science has already learned how to accelerate rain. A here’s how to call him? Many laboratories are struggling with the problem. of the world. The original option is offered by the head of one of laboratories of the Physical Institute of the RAS Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences Victor Pavlyuchenko. It uses the principle of cyclone – the field low pressure. – What is the point? – explains Victor Pavlovich. – How known from the school course, fumes of warm air from the ground rise to a height, there they cool, condense, and in the end ends precipitation. But this mechanism does not always work, but only with a certain relationship between the relative humidity, temperature and altitude. We can artificially create just such conditions, it will rain. Let’s say from simple the formula follows: if outdoors plus 30 degrees Celsius and humidity 50 percent, then you need to raise this moist air to a height where temperature plus 15 Celsius, and condensation should begin. But how to raise air Not to pump in cylinders? Scientist offers hang in a few tiers garlands of balloons of a large area. Made from blackened material, they will become very hot. in the sun and give off heat to the surrounding air. And now he himself rush up, where on each subsequent tier will receive additional heating. And so on until the air reaches estimated height. There he is already prepared to spill on the ground. But this condition is necessary, but not sufficient. Need more centers or “nuclei” of condensation – dust, aerosols, ashes, soot. A better if the particles have negative charges. And the scientist knows where to get them. It turns out they are right there at hand. After all, between the Earth and the ionosphere there is a potential difference, which at a height of two kilometers is 200 kilovolts. To get ions, you need to this height is raised by a grounded conductor, a corona appears discharge, and ions form themselves. The idea is beautiful, but immediately provokes a lot of questions. To what height should air be lifted? How much is it is it required to cause rain? How long does this whole thing take procedure? – You need to raise the air approximately 700-1500 meters, – explains the scientist. – It will take about 4-5 minutes. It’s fundamentally important that you don’t need to “upload” to heights at all a lot of air. Enough like a pinhead punch several “holes” in the so-called inversion layer. The thing is, that in the atmosphere the air cools with height. But on some heights there is a layer where the temperature stops falling. Moreover, even heats up. And after it falls again. Under these layers arise good weather clouds, for example cumulus. They cannot rise higher since the layers are not allowed. “Our task is to break through them,” says Pavlyuchenko. – Then the updrafts from the earth that go constantly, rush up. So turn on self-sustaining system. “According to the scientist, the price is installation is scanty, say, one tier – about 1-3 thousand dollars. In addition, such a system can not only cause rain, but also to clear the smog of air located in the hollows of cities. There are practically no winds, so this method would have to very handy. He has just received a patent for his invention.