Russian scientists ahead of NASA by four hours

Russian scientists ahead of NASA by four hoursPhoto from open sources

New satellite data processing system created scientists from Siberia, allows to obtain new data on forest fires and landfills four hours faster than NASA researchers.

As the publication “Science in Siberia”, the development of specialists Institute of Computational Technologies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences is crucial for prevention emergency situations – floods, forest fires.

A photo from open sources

Achieve high speed, explain the creators of the system, It turned out thanks to the optimization of satellite data processing by different directions: storage and access to information, increase processing speed and the number of interpretations of a unit of information. Number interpretations shows how much data can be obtained from snapshot.

The development is unique with special handling algorithms obtained data. This eliminated the necessary special recounts. and speed up the processing of incoming data, and also minimized volumes of their storage.

A source


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