Russian scientists have created a new variety silicone

Russian scientists have created a new kind of siliconeA photo from open sources

The need for silicone, which, recall, was invented in the beginning of the last century, growing exponentially. And a leader its use is by no means medicine; without silicone today many production facilities, for example, producing cooking utensils or grease for cars. Even space the industry needs this unique polymer material.

Despite the widespread use of silicone, all of it varieties, in addition to their positive characteristics (say, bioinertness, indispensable for medicine), have two serious disadvantages: low mechanical strength and lack interactions with other polymers. Of course expand opportunities silicone is possible, but for this it must be produced in pure form. Scientists have repeatedly tried to establish such a production, however all the proposed synthesis methods turned out to be too complicated and fabulously expensive – as they say, the sheepskin was not worth it dressing.

And so, conducting experiments with molecular oxygen and nearby organic catalysts, Russian chemists have created new varieties of hybrid silicone. These samples demonstrated the best mechanical, chemical and other features of this polymer, but most importantly – our silicone is much cheaper than foreign analogues.

A photo from open sources

So far, in Russia they have been used mainly foreign silicone products and raw materials, says doctor of chemical Sciences, Professor, St. Petersburg State University Regina Islamova. This applies not only dentists and plastic surgeons, but even manufacturers children’s toys (kinetic sand, for example, we only import). Therefore, the discoveries of Russian researchers are not just interesting from a scientific point of view, they will allow you to work with own, domestic, silicone, which will be an order of magnitude better and cheaper than imported.


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