Russian scientists have developed environmentally clean recycling method

Russian scientists have developed an environmentally friendly method for recyclingA photo from open sources

The originality of this method is that waste processing plant working on this technology, can be built in any city – and it will not become ecological disaster for residents, as is happening now.

Today, any garbage recycling plant works on the principle of burning waste, which leads to air emissions a huge amount of harmful substances, exacerbating the already unfavorable environmental conditions. Moreover, our cities grow and more and more “drown” in landfills, because available there are not enough waste disposal capacities, and to build new plants, poisoning the atmosphere, no one wants, and citizens are actively are protesting.

Specialists from the Moscow Institute of Alloys and Steel proposed a fundamentally new technology for the processing of household waste. Garbage, they argue, it is necessary not to burn, but to melt at high temperature with a continuous supply of oxygen.

A temperature of about 1,500 degrees Celsius will allow completely decompose harmful compounds from exhaust gases waste recycling. As analysis has shown, there are practically no toxic substances remain, and dustiness is reduced to to a minimum.

This method has one more advantage: it allows you to separate valuable components from solid waste, including including precious metals, since the melting point of each substance has its own. Therefore, to separate them with such a heat technologically easy.

Further, the method allows you to get cheap low-calorie fuel from hydrocarbons contained in garbage and carbon.

And finally, as a result of the solid waste environmentally friendly slag remains that can be used for production of excellent building materials. One oven capable recycle almost 200 thousand tons of municipal waste per year at least 40 thousand tons of such slag.

To summarize all that has been said, it can be argued that the invention Moscow scientists are not only harmlessly disposing of household waste, but it also allows you to extract everything of value from them, making this process more and cost-effective (payback of such an enterprise, according to experts estimate it is less than 3 years). notice, that current waste processing plants are unprofitable and sit on subsidies city ​​budgets. New enterprises will become self-sustaining, desirable (additional jobs will appear) and environmentally friendly clean. It is no coincidence that the efficient processing of solid waste today they call it a strategic direction in the economy of any state.

The first unique garbage disposal enterprises planned build in the cities of Podolsk and Noginsk, Moscow region.


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