A photo from open sources
Russian engineers showed the general public a humanoid robot “FEDOR” designed for space travel. New brainchild domestic robotics, commissioned by the Foundation promising research, designed to become an indispensable assistant astronauts during flights to other planets. At present “FEDOR” is actively being improved by Russian craftsmen.
It is assumed that for the first time a sort of robot will demonstrate its opportunities to practice in 2021 when he becomes a crew member new generation manned spacecraft. Specially for this purpose in our country a new design bureau, which will unite under one roof promising young cadres with already experienced designers.
Space robot characteristics
“FEDOR” is highly mobile. On the below demo video the miracle android walks, wring out, raises dumbbells, works with an electric drill and even independently controls by car. According to scientists, the robot can cut, solder, strip wires, and also wield a variety of tools: wire cutters, screwdrivers, keys, grinder. In the future, he will be able to take on control a spaceship and replace it in difficult situations crew members. In zero gravity conditions, the strength of the robot will increase in dozens of times, because in space he will be able to work much more effectively.
On top of that, FEDOR will be trained to provide first medical care. Already, the android is capable of injecting, and a precision machine can do this much better some, forever preoccupied with their everyday problems, nurses. So aboard a spacecraft can There is no need for a medical professional. Robot hands have many movable joints and reliably mimic human therefore, such a doctor can be fully trusted ( of time he might learn to do even the hardest operations).
A photo from open sources
It’s reported that “FEDOR” can both work as an avatar, being a controlled operator from a special command post, and function autonomously. Special software the software will allow the android to make decisions independently and self-learning, watching the actions of their living colleagues. Remote control of the robot can be carried out on a distance of several thousand kilometers. It follows that the car can be sent to potentially dangerous places of another planet, controlling it from the ship.
Soon, the device will acquire a voice system management. This means that you can talk with the robot and give him voice orders. To make sure that he understood the command is correct, the android will repeat it and, having received an affirmative the answer will immediately take up the execution of the assignment.
It is worth noting that similar robots designed to help astronauts today are also being developed in the USA, Japan and The European Union. It turns out that Russia has another excellent the opportunity to show the world their intellectual opportunities and technical innovations.
Time Robots Russia