Russians have developed a hybrid airplane and satellite

The Russians have developed a hybrid of aircraft and satellitePhoto from open sources

Russian craftsmen created an amazing aircraft, having aircraft and atmospheric specifications satellite. Still, to call this unmanned device an airplane impossible, because it can soar for months above the clouds on twenty kilometers high. He is a full-fledged space satellite also is not, because the drone does not have enough height for this.

The drone, called the “Owl”, was developed by our compatriots for quite a long time. Specialists from Advanced Research Foundation finally implemented the first experimental flight of his brainchild, and their results are very satisfied. It is noteworthy that over similar projects already Many American inventors have been working for many years. Russians unexpectedly connected to such a race, it turns out, already managed to overtake many western competitors.

A photo from open sources

“Owl”, equipped with nine-meter wings, weighs just twelve kilograms. During its first flight, the device climbed to a height of nine kilometers and lasted there about fifty hours. Satellite aircraft has a unique aerodynamic design. The developers decided not to use rigid wing and instead preferred the flexible one. Such lightweight yet robust construction provided by carbon fibers, allows you to control the device throughout length.

The drone is equipped with three autopilots, one of which is teamwork. Embedded computer transmits location data apparatus to the ground and receives in response control commands that directs to servos serving to change the trajectory Flight “Owls”. Special algorithms allow flying device to adjust roll, deflection of the wing and in general significantly increase the stability of the drone during bad weather.

It is assumed that in the near future such unmanned devices will be used by the Russian army for military intelligence.

Time Drones Aircraft

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