A photo from open sources Harmony is something to strive for people in a turbulent world. When buying a country house, we must look for a place where there will be comfort and tranquility. But actually finding places like this is getting harder. A real reality offers us noisy neighbors, unpleasant environment of industrial enterprises, proximity to transport and roads. However, even in adverse environmental conditions, create a good energy that protects a person from adverse environmental factors. For this you need take advantage of the recommendations of such an ancient science that called feng shui. In accordance with the provisions of Feng Shui, each the house and every corner of the garden are protected by the spirits of animal defenders, which protect them from unwanted adverse effects the external environment. There are five sacred animals in Chinese mythology, each of which has its own symbolism and its own place in the garden. These are animals such as: Tiger, Turtle, Phoenix, Snake, Tiger and The Dragon. Ideally, the house should face south. Then to the right of the house will be the western side – the White space Tiger To the left of the house – east side – the area of Zeleny The dragon. Black is responsible for the northern direction The tortoise, and the south is the Red Phoenix. The center of the site is “guarded” by the Snake. According to Feng Shui doctrine, so that sacred animals reliably protect house and garden, it is necessary to strengthen their influence by adjusting landscape and plant energy. PHOENIX According to Feng Shui Phoenix personifies new opportunities and rebirth. Because, that Phoenix is in front of the house lowering the soil, otherwise wealth will flow from at home. However, the landscape in this part of the garden should not be absolutely smooth. An ideal landscape option would be a gentle lowering the soil. Here should be shrubs or stunted trees. To mark the front of the garden, set a small a rock. Soil quality will have a beneficial effect natural or artificial water flow. This thread can serve, for example, a stream. TURTLE Feng Shui Turtle is a symbol of stability, support and longevity. Water element side of the Turtle (behind the house) will weaken the protection of the site. In order to protect your home from the effects of negative energies soil, for example, by planting evergreen small plants. DRAGON Dragon in accordance with the provisions of Feng Shui is a powerful protective symbol, it provides luck, happiness and well-being. On its side (eastern) is the energy center. This part of the garden seems to be an ideal place for planting trees (e.g. pines and willows) and tall shrubs, personifying strength and protection (it is believed that they contribute to life extension). It will also be appropriate to place several stones. The main thing is that on the side of the Dragon is the most elevated place. TIGER According to feng shui west landscape should go down. Otherwise the uncontrollable energy of the Tiger may get out of hand. The strength of the Tiger symbolizes reliable protection, which has rather restraining rather than managing and controlling influence, as it is subordinate to the power of the Dragon. The territory of the Tiger should be low lying and flat. Must beware of the hills from this side, as they can bring a failure. SNAKE In the center of the garden (in the territory of the Snake) should be as little vegetation as possible. The best option for this the place is an oval or round lawn covered with lawn the grass. It is also good here in order to ensure the flow of beneficial energy to lay winding paths. Never make tracks in the garden straight! If the tracks are straight, then like a hurricane harmful energy disturbing the harmony of the garden will be carried. Speaking about the arrangement of the garden and the house with the help of Feng Shui, one cannot but talk about the fence – one of the important defenders of the garden. according to feng shui, they are needed in any area, since they support and protect, help to gain a sense of security. IN at the same time, the fence should not completely isolate you from everything surrounding. It could be a wooden fence, a hedge, a small stone fence. In all cases, the boundaries of the territory must be constantly maintained in good condition. It will give not only a sense of security for you, but also a good relationship with neighbors. Feng Shui Methods Help You Eliminate or Correct adverse circumstances and turn your home and garden into places grace and peace.
Dragons Snakes Stones Plants