Salekhard resident built an unusual house

A resident of Salekhard built an unusual houseA photo from open sources

How to build a house in the North quickly, inexpensively and for centuries. Resident of Salekhard Stanislav Korolev is sure that he found the right solution. His domed house is the only one in the district capital. Zulfia Gizzatullina made sure he is not just aesthetic, but also has many merits. This house is clearly visible even from the window. Among others in the airport district of the capital city its unusual shape immediately striking. It is round. And of course it causes the curiosity of the townspeople. The namesake of the creator of rocket technology Stanislav Korolev, after being left without work at 50, also decided to create something cosmic. Youth in construction teams and two higher education is a good help. However, he says, in Yamal he is not the first to decide to build without sharp corners. Year he studied and counted. Found out: this is by no means a novelty. Geodesic dome developed back in the middle of the last century. Anyway, spherical designs are known since ancient times. Today all parts You can assemble the designer yourself. The kit was delivered by train. The dome was assembled with a friend from triangles. Stanislav Korolev: “When you collect it, she walks like that with a shaker. Well, everything, you think, everything is staggering. When I put the last convector, connected, the ball is the strongest form. Doesn’t go anywhere, doesn’t walk, doesn’t move, the winds were already strong. “Wind up to 250 kilometers per hour, snow up to 700 kilograms per meter – nothing is scary for such a house. And warm easier. Heat losses are negligible. A footprint on the site only 63 square meters. Zulfiya Gizzatullina, correspondent: “So side of the street the house seems small. But when you find yourself inside You understand that the area is decent – 150 square meters. Here there will be two full floors. And another attic room for relaxation. “Today, such construction kits offer many construction companies, including in Tyumen. They say a small price is far from their most important advantage. Tatyana Ermakova, Development Director, Construction Company: “When the person is in this design, in the dome structure, he is very comfortable there. Because there is smooth energy, because as there are no sharp corners Secondly, it is very energy efficient energy-efficient house. “A wooden house in the form of a dome, named eco-house is also safe. The developers did everything to avoid fires. Anton Ovchinnikov, Head of Business “Energy-saving equipment and Technologies”: “The whole tree goes through special anti-burning treatment. And inside all the wiring in this case, when we do the installation. We mount it in metal pipes. That is, as it should, for all советским ГОСТам”. К новому году Станиславwants to finish a rough finish. True, says money for the outcome, but have not yet found a job. Expenses have already exceeded one million. A lot of work has been invested, but everything is easy, when with pleasure and for yourself. Stanislav Korolev: “The furnace, it warms and pleases the soul, as fireplace type. Here it’s nice to sit, firewood crackles, nostalgia according to grandmother’s times. “Stanislav dreams of this summer house to move with the family in a year. Says furniture is planning minimum. And it will not be difficult to arrange it. Inside a spherical Designs made additional smooth walls.

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