Salt is able to reprogram the brain of man

Salt can reprogram the human brainA photo from open sources

Doctors constantly warn us about the dangers of salt. Lovers salty ones risk earning hypertension and living their whole lives with high blood pressure, they say.

Recently, physicians experimentally succeeded in finally find out what is the reason for the increase in blood pressure in people consuming table salt in unreasonable amounts. Specialists concluded that NaCl acts on departments in the human brain directly responsible for blood control pressure in the vessels.

McGill University scientists conducting this study on recently published an interesting article in the medical journal Neuron It tells, in particular, about experiments on laboratory mice, as a result of which it was found that in the brain rodents eating food with high levels of salt, processes occur that turn off blood regulation pressure in the vessels. It is produced by the brain. animal hormone – vasopressin.

Researchers Are Sure Exactly The Same impact on the human brain, reprogramming it, because which he “allows” high blood pressure.

A thorough study of this issue and further experiments allow scientists to create the latest drugs that lower the level of blood pressure – already taking into account the direct impact on the human brain. Based on a new discovery, today a substance is being developed that is able to reduce excretion in the body the hormone vasopressin, which just interferes with normal blood flow through the vessels and thereby creates a well-known human health problems.

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