Samsung and Apple support cancellation removable sim cards

A photo open source South Korean Samsung group of companies and American corporation Apple, one of the largest electronic gadget manufacturers intend to support the association “Groupe Speciale Mobile Association”, representing association of mobile operator from various states.

In the “Groupe Speciale Mobile Association”, it is reported plan to approve a new standard for SIM-cards. Identity Modules subscribers want to embed directly into cellular devices without extraction capabilities. In this case, the user will have the ability to connect to different mobile operators using one built-in card.

“Samsung” and “Apple” are ready to arrange the release of smartphones with ready non-extractable identification modules. So far similar corporations haven’t established production, however Koreans and Americans already actively discussing such an opportunity. Interesting that the activities of the apple company are somewhat close to such innovation: her tablets are equipped with special “Apple SIM” cards, allowing you to switch between multiple operators. Is not only convenient, but also cheaper.

Groupe Speciale Mobile Association supported many large mobile operators. Among them are worth mentioning “Deutsche Telekom”, “America Movil”, “VimpelCom”, “Vodafone”, “Telefonica” and others.

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