A photo from open sources
International banks no longer make payments with Crimeans, Apple has stopped (at least dramatically reduced) collaboration with Crimean specialists, now Google is joining this campaigns.
Starting February 1, Google closes services such as Crimeans AdSense, AdWords, and Google Play. The manual explains this its decision by the fact that it, they say, is forced to follow instructions US President Obama.
It’s not entirely logical in all this that America (and for European countries) blows the whole world that Russia, allegedly, occupied Crimea, and that poor Crimeans now almost groan from violence by the Russian military.
In this case, the Crimeans, logically, need to do everything help (at least moral, online support), and not punish their additional sanctions. After all, these sanctions are not against Russia as a whole, and specifically against the Crimeans. Not eloquent whether they say that Crimea really voluntarily decided to join Russia? For this he is now being punished …
On the other hand, sanctions against Crimea help people of all of the world, including the Americans themselves, open their eyes to the deceitful US policy. The White House does something silly and not logical …
Crimea Russia USA