Say good word about sexual reproduction

Say the word about sexual reproductionPhotos from open sources of

Molecular Biology and Evolution magazine published material Canadian scientists who have proven that sexual reproduction is much more effective than asexual.

Sexual reproduction is still regarded as a kind of evolutionary error (only the human mind can come to to the conclusion that Nature may be mistaken in any way). And here are the scientists, finally proved that this is not so.

On the example of an oslinik plant and with the help of Chinese scientists (project “Genomes of 1000 Plants”), Canadian researchers came to the conclusion that during sexual reproduction, due to transmission from one only 50 percent of the body’s gene (genes in this way recombine), any mutations are excluded. Thereby the health status of any species that reproduces sexually, improves, and the evolution of species is under the control of an amazing natural mechanism – cleansing in the genes of all unnecessary and especially harmful.

Note that in many science fiction films and even books often show supermen who are supposedly outdated primitive reproductive tract. Yes, and among moral scientists no, no, the sober thought that sexual reproduction will slip inherently ugly and where, they say, only looking Mother nature?

As Canadian scientists have now proven, Nature is doing its job, as always, impeccably. And only the human mind can her in reproach with something – just like a small and not quite yet a reasonable child is his experienced and loving mother.

Plants Evolution

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