Scale Demonstration Mechanism time

The mechanism for demonstrating the time scaleA photo from open sources This mechanism created by Arthur Ganson (Arthur Ganson) does no useful work. But he can “endure the mind” to every sane person, being a clear demonstration of the time scales by which astronomers are used to calculating the age of galaxies, stellar clusters and other large-scale space objects. Engine mechanism rotating at a speed of 200 revolutions per minute, leads in motion a sequence of twelve identical mechanisms. In this case, the shaft of the latest mechanism is walled up in a piece of concrete, with which absolutely nothing happens that you can notice the human eye, when the whole mechanism is working. Whole trick Arthur Ganson’s machine is that each of his 12 mechanisms has a gear ratio of rotation speed of 1 to 50. It is easy to calculate that the first mechanism rotates at a speed of 4 revolutions per minute, the second mechanism completes in one hour 4.8 turnover, and then the rotation speeds of the mechanisms slow down first to the scale of earthly geological eras and end truly cosmic time scales, because the very last wheel mechanism makes a complete revolution, at least theoretically can accomplish it in 2.3 trillion years.

Here are the speeds with which the wheels of all twelve rotate Arthur Ganson machine mechanisms: 3rd wheel – 1 revolution in 10.4 hours 4th wheel – 1 revolution per 3.1 weeks 5th wheel – 1 revolution per 2.98 years 6th wheel – 1 revolution per 149 years 7th wheel – 1 revolution per 7452 years, 8th wheel – 1 revolution in 372.6 thousand years, 9th wheel – 1 turnover for 18.6 million years; 10th wheel – 1 revolution for 932 million years 11th wheel – 1 revolution for 47 billion years; 12th wheel – 1 2.3 trillion years turnover

It should be noted that the movement of the mechanisms of the Arthur Ganson machine ceases to be noticeable to the human eye after fourth wheel. And the machine itself, as well as a piece of concrete, in which is mounted the axis of the last mechanism, there is no chance live to the point where the rotation of the shaft begins to destroy concrete block. Relentless time, metal corrosion and others adverse factors will destroy this car much earlier than it will be able to complete one full revolution.


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