Schoolboy unraveled the ciphers of British intelligence

A schoolboy unraveled the ciphers of British intelligenceA photo from open sources

Abu Dhabi schoolboy breaks five ciphers created by the best British intelligence cryptographers. “13-year-old Ayman Kampuri, a student at British School Al Khubairat, broke in three weeks ciphers designed by the UK government communications center (GCHQ) “, – The National newspaper writes, reports Ukrainform. Ayman says that he also suggested hacking codes to his father and teacher, but they failed. The guy admitted that he owes his success advanced version of Mathematica software. Current “Can You Find It?” Campaign became the second in a row. In the first they accepted The participation of more than 3.2 million users. People after 18 years who successfully break ciphers, can be recruited to GCHQ and earn from 41.6 thousand to 91 thousand dollars. Also winners campaigns take part in a computer draw for programming.

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