Scientist builds a time machine capable of send messages to the past

A scientist is building a time machine that can transmit messages to the pastA photo from open sources

Physics professor Ronald Mallet is about to build a machine time that can transmit messages from the future to past.

For centuries, nothing has interested people so much as moving in the time continuum. For example, try go back a million years ago to look at dinosaurs, or to go hundreds of years into the future, where the wise must reign creatures and technology. A great deal has been written on this subject. number of literary works and many films have been shot. TO Unfortunately, no matter how hard scientists have tried, the creation of the machine is still time is considered practically impossible. Nonetheless, according to some theories, time travel is still possible, just for this it is worth providing the appropriate conditions and apply the necessary equipment.

It is generally accepted that a reverse travel in time is impossible, but what if instead of physically moving just send message to the past? This idea formed the basis for future development. Ronald Mallett, professor of physics at the University of Connecticut. Inspired by the work of the English writer George Wells, professor intends to create a unique device that can transmit messages from the future to the recent past. According to assumptions, the created unit costing about $ 250,000 will be able to open a gateway for data transfer in a temporary continuum.

“To achieve these goals I need to use a beam a laser that can twist space and of time, “says Mallet.” If such a device were already was created, we would definitely try to move something to time. ”

Time Time Machine

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