Photos from open sources of
As we know, experiments with human DNA are prohibited in everything the world. And even the first attempts to intervene in this “holy of holies”, undertaken by Chinese scientist Hye Jiangkui (photo below) by DNA changes in infants (I must say, with the best of intentions protect them from genetic diseases) now threaten him with mortality execution.
However, the American researcher Josiah Seiner calmly conducting experiments to change the human genome, and even periodically publishes on the Internet the results of such experiments, and nobody does anything to him. However not worth to think that such interventions are allowed in the United States, just according to US law, no scientist or doctor has the right to experiment with the DNA of another person, but on in his own body, he is free to do anything.
Therefore, Josiah Seiner is not afraid of responsibility before the law. But, it seems, he is not afraid of responsibility to Nature, trying to edit my DNA in order to improve the genome of a person and thereby prove that such interventions will help in future make us more perfect.
A photo from open sources
The risky American researcher has been fighting over two years so that using DNA editing to make your body more perfect – embossed. According to the biochemist, the last experiment allowed him to introduce an additional gene, thanks to which muscle the mass of his left hand increased significantly.
According to the publisher Rambler, the achievement of Josiah Zeyner has not yet been recorded and certified by any scientific an institution, all of this might just be a bluff of a young scientist, too ambitious, which for the sake of some dubious I’m even ready to sacrifice my experiments and health. By more if the American biochemist even actually managed to build up hand mass due to DNA changes, this does not mean that the experiment was successful – time will tell what could result such an intervention in the human genome. Therefore, as they say, wait and see.
Another thing is alarming in this information: more and more scientists in the world are puzzled by such experiments (the temptation is too great), and because there is no guarantee that they will not be made in public (if no longer do) illegally or under the guise of the most harmless operations …