A photo from open sources The small mountain town of San Bernardo, located in the Colombian Andes, continues to amaze scientists. The fact is that the bodies of the dead buried in the local cemetery are not undergo a decomposition process. This phenomenon is called “natural mummification.” For the first time, scientists are faced with a similar phenomenon in 1957. According to experts, the body does not were treated with chemicals. Some of them have survived. almost in the same form that they had at the time of the burial – natural processes touched neither skin, nor hair, nor clothes. Perhaps no one would have known about this phenomenon, if not for the local burial traditions. Before betraying the body to the earth, it is for 5 years stored in a special coffin. Theoretically later this considerable only bones should remain from the deceased. However, the theory does not always coincide with practice. Some of the local residents consider the cause of “natural mummification” location cemeteries, others explain this by the diet of locals – the use of exotic fruits in life, allegedly, affects that after death, the body of the deceased is not subjected to processes decomposition. Regardless of the cause of what is happening, this phenomenon caused a huge influx of tourists and scientists to San Bernardo, reports Mignews.