Laboratories have been set up all over the world, where at ultra- low temperatures stored tissue samples of animals and plants NIBIRU, APOFIS. WHAT ELSE? Photos from open sources Apocalyptic mood today soar in the air. Tourists from all over the world are eager to get there 21 December in the settlement of Tortuguero (Tabasco, Mexico), where he was An ancient Mayan calendar with the date of the apocalypse is found. Buy tickets – they want to see with their own eyes the last day of the Earth. And scientists from NASA is preparing to launch a telescope into space, with which try to find the planet Nibiru.
According to ancient traditions of the Sumerians, with at certain intervals this celestial “killer” flies around Earth and brings all sorts of troubles. So, some researchers believe that her gravitational force was the culprit of the Great Flood and the disappearance of Atlantis. Her next visit seems to be outlined. for December of this year. In 2029, an approach to Earth is expected. asteroid Apophis. He will warm up with us or not – it is not known. But today astrophysicists, together with the military, are preparing plans to capture and the explosion of this celestial body. But even if carried from space threats, on Earth – no less troubles. Biologists have been beating bells: the sixth mass extinction of all life on the planet.
For various reasons – from the fall of an asteroid to a massive volcanic eruptions – five times in the history of the planet died before 80 percent of all living organisms. But then nature was to blame. Now – a man, his active and destructive activity. By according to the UN, in the next 20 years the number of animals, birds and plants will shrink by a third. And man himself is not eternal. Somehow in interview time academician of RAMS, professor Vladimir Shabalin me assured: – On Earth, there are currently about one and a half million species of wildlife – this is only 1% of those that ever existed. That is, 99% of the species left the evolutionary the scene. And man will dissolve in the endless cycle of life. A Now imagine that all the prophecies have come true. What then on our will the planet remain? It turned out that scientists from the 1980s are preparing for the worst. And, like Noah once, they are preparing the ark. Frozen. By cryobanks are being created around the world, and somewhere ultralow temperatures stored animal tissue samples and plants. REVIVAL AN ORGANIC – We froze the tissue bodies of many species of animals that are threatened with complete disappearances on our planet, – the director told reporters Oxford University Biomolecular Research Center Cooper. – Thus, we hope to keep their DNA in the hope of using cloning to “revive” these creatures in the future. Own scientists called the project “Frozen Ark” (Frozen Ark) in memory of the biblical Noah’s Ark. DNA of endangered animal species stored at the British Institute of Genetics, University of Nottingham. Among them – Socorre pigeon, Arabian oryx and yellow seahorse. In addition, additional collections are created on the basis of the Center. reproductions of endangered animals in San Diego (USA) and the Center storage of animal genes in Melbourne (Australia).
Specialists American Museum of Natural History in New York collected 1 million tissue samples. Among them are fragments of whale skin, skins crocodile, fox and seminal fluid blood samples of the most valuable manufacturing bulls. By the way, according to the RAAS, only in Russian genetic banks store more than one hundred million doses of sperm bulls. Keep samples in special containers that are cooled when liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196 degrees. – Cold like the preservative has been of interest to people from time immemorial, – explained the doctor Biological Sciences, Professor of the Institute of Cytology RAS Georgy Pinaev. – At the beginning of the century, Russia used low temperatures – minus 50-60 degrees. Before World War I there was a breakthrough in science – got liquefied gases. But as a cryopreservative chose nitrogen, as it is fire and explosion proof. According to scientists, at a temperature of liquid nitrogen are practically excluded mutations in DNA molecules, so genetic materials can stored without violations for tens and hundreds of years, and when protection against radioactive background and cosmic rays – up to 3 thousand years.
But can they be revived? Scientists have no doubt. Japanese specialists from the Ricken Institute’s Center for Evolutionary Biology at Yokohama froze several laboratory mice 16 years ago. In the fall of 2008, they took cell samples from frozen tissues. for cloning. Live mouse egg nuclei were replaced by nuclei cells of a once frozen individual. The embryos from these eggs were planted in the uterus of surrogate mothers. As a result, they were born two healthy mice. A thorough examination revealed that in the development of “resurrected” is not observed any deviations. One of mice, barely reaching the appropriate age, safely became father. In addition, around the world since the 1950s, frozen seed cells of breeding bulls are thawed and used for fertilization of cows. APPLES UNDER SNOW Other “arks” store seeds. The UN has 1,400 seed banks in different countries. In the USA, for example, there is a repository for 464,000 types of seeds. Most large banks are available in China, Japan, India, South Korea, Germany and Canada. In total, about 7 million are hidden there samples. But the main international cellar was dug five years ago near the North Pole, or rather – at the Norwegian town Longyearbyen on Svalbard. There, at a depth of 120 meters, two million seeds collected from around the world. Over time, their number will double. According to experts, they can be stored for 1000 years. IN The storage is maintained at a constant temperature of -18 ° C. For guard moisture-proof seeds are packed in four-layer bags sealed under high temperature. Low temperature and limited access oxygen will slow the aging of seeds.
A photo from open sources
Entrance to the cryostorage on Schpitsbergen. Photo: – In this most reliable storage in the world will be forever saved the gene pool of the entire flora of planet Earth – even in the case of the universal catastrophes due to the fall of an asteroid or nuclear war, he promised during opening time of the “cellar” Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maatai, who placed the first seed capsule in a cryobank. There are fewer “refrigerators” in Russia. At the cryobank of the Institute plant physiology RAS stored several types of seeds tropical orchids. 230 are frozen in the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences species of wild plants, including rare bells, Adonis. The gene pool of peas, beans, buckwheat is frozen until better times at the Yakut Institute of Permafrost. But again the question is: what to revive can they? To this question, scientists again give an affirmative answer. -Legume seed germination experiments show that these the seeds give rise to seedlings, and give offspring, ”says the researcher Yakut “ark” Alexei Shein. And in February of this year, biologists from Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science RAS defrosted seeds of a plant – narrow-leaved tar, which lay in permafrost on the banks of the Kolyma River for 30 thousand years. AND they grew a bush from them. Absolutely healthy.
By the way, saving for the descendants of the genome of one species of living creatures, it costs only 500 dollars – a penny in comparison with colliders and rovers. IN In general, Noah’s Ark is ready. The main thing now is to save Noah, who would open these carefully walled treasures and resurrect them the inhabitants. So now scientists are learning to freeze human bodies in the US – at the Alcor Foundation in Arizona and the Cryonics Institute in Detroit Created a bank “KrioRus” in Russia. Its director, biophysicist Igor Artyukhov admitted to me in a conversation: – Just for today more than 200 bodies are frozen, but the main thing is to wait for the correct defrosting technology so that they return to life healthy by people. Here we expect a miracle from nanomedicine: launched into the body microrobots could completely restore the cells of the body and brain. We hope that scientists will learn to defrost before Doomsday. And then after all, a huge number of banks of human sperm will be wasted. Svetlana Kuzina