Climate catastrophe approaching: rare studies on the effects of chemotracks and global dimming.
A photo from open sources At the beginning of the 21st century it became clear that air pollution can significantly reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the earth. Proof of the unknown previously the phenomenon of “global dimming” received by scientists. They are believe that this factor can dramatically change global temperature.
Scientists – climatologists have discovered a phenomenon that threatens to blow up our world. And it may have already contributed to the deaths of hundreds thousand from drought and famine. If it is not stopped, it can cause each crushing blow will affect every inhabitant of the Earth. Good the news is that there is a “cure” that can change the situation. The bad news is that treatment may be worse than the disease itself.
A photo from open sources
If scientists are right, then we may be ready to unleash a climate catastrophe on our planet, the likes of which it is not experienced in its history for 4 billion years.
Climate researcher James Hansen believes that “global blackout “cools our planet by more than a degree Celsius (1.8 ° F) and there are fears that we will not be able to curb all these types of air pollution, and global changes can go point of no return.
Photo from open sources
The article traces historical events that lead to our understanding of the role of global dimming.
Photo from open sources The video contains data from scientists, who investigated the effects of aerosol spraying from aircraft (“chemotrace”), as well as official photos from space, showing that aerosol spraying by airplanes is large-scale, planetary phenomenon. Aerosols sprayed by airplanes create a curtain that reflects the sun’s rays, and this leads to global weather disasters, global change temperature.