A photo from open sources a group of Dutch scientists created a device with which you can understand people’s thoughts on distance. Computer-based tomograph device “decodes” the thoughts of man. Neurophysiologists of Maastricht University led by Bettina Sorger were able to differentiate 27 levels of brain activity and correlate each with a specific character – from one of 26 letters of the Latin alphabet or a space, and then a computer comes in that “translates” human thoughts into speech. True, for “decryption by the letters “also require the active participation of the patient. Bettina Sorger said that the principle of the device for reading thoughts is based on deciphering the part of information that brain neurons carry – this is recorded by the tomograph according to the nature of changes in the bloodstream, that occur when turning on and off certain sections human brain, so on the screen of the tomograph you can see what he’s thinking human. “We asked the volunteer to mentally perform one of three tasks – imagine what he draws, counts the number, and to himself reads poetry. And we clearly fix it. ”