A photo from open sources
Today, scientists are on the verge of creating a real translator with animal language into human language, for starters, say, on English. If you want to communicate more productively with your pets, understand everything they want to tell you, then in ten years it will be as easy to do as today instantly translate someone else’s speech in hardware.
At least, the professor of biology of the University is sure of this. Northern Arizona Con Slobodchikoff – Posted by studies of the language and gestures of wild dogs living on the prairies, what does he has been dedicated for more than three decades. According to the biologist animals have their own unique language, for example, they publish special sounds when a predator appears. Moreover, depending on the size and type of danger, these sounds are completely different, that is, dogs can with the help of certain signals to convey to his fellow tribesmen very specific information, accurate to the smallest detail. From here we can conclude that animals fully communicate with each other friend, but their language is completely different from human, since it consists of barking, roaring, screaming, yelling, and so on further, what is perceived by us as a meaningless set of sounds. But Is it so?
AI helps create a unique translator
Professor wants to use artificial intelligence in order to to “crack” the dog’s language, ultimately creating a complete translator of animal sounds and gestures into English. At present for this purpose he organized with his closest colleagues special company Zoolingua, which, according to the plans of the scientist, after 10 years, it can launch such a unique device on the market. At first it will, of course, be a prairie dog language translator, however the next step will certainly be translators of domestic dogs, cats etc. That is, in the late twenties – early thirties this century, people will already more easily and productively communicate with animals and especially with your favorite pets pets.
All this seems fantastic, however, according to ancient knowledge, which, incidentally, are reflected in many works of art, man once knew how to communicate with animals, and even today with In certain conditions, he easily understands their natural language. AND although, most often, this happens at the level of telepathy, it’s quite it is possible that scientists, relying on AI, will be able to create such interpreter. Unless, of course, a person by that time has time change so much that telepathy will become the main tool communication of all living on Earth, as ideally it should be in highly developed and harmonious world.