A photo from open sources Abnormal weather that hit northeast USA November 17-21, led to a drop in temperature and snowstorms in several states (in some cities for three days the annual norm of snow fell, which forced the authorities to introduce a regime emergency). On the causes of extreme weather events and their connection with global warming was reported by New Scientist. Fine cold air is held in the arctic regions by winds, surrounding the North Pole – the so-called polar vortex. The strongest among them are the winds that make up the Arctic high-altitude jet flow (TSW). The TSA usually has a wave shape and constantly changes the trajectory, but in mid-November it stretched into an unusually voluminous loop over US territory. IN As a result, warm air reached the Arctic, and cold air the masses reached Texas, causing a severe cooling. November snowfall and other weather anomalies of this and previous years (e.g. cold winters in the UK in 2013) scientists are all more often associated with the behavior of TSA. Global warming destabilizes the TSA, making the “loops” unusually wide, or hang for a long time over one territory. This phenomenon creates abnormal cold, heat and precipitation. In addition, global warming increases air humidity, which also causes more rain. Further, record snowfall in Buffalo and other cities was associated with local snow effect of the lake. It manifests itself in the winter when cold air, moving over the warm water of Lake Erie, is saturated water vapor and warms up from below, which leads to development convective clouds and rainfall limited territory. So, in Buffalo, the thickness of the snow cover exceeded one and a half meters, and in cities located several kilometers to the north, not even a few centimeters fell out. Main reason extreme weather became typhoon “Nuri”. This tropical cyclone formed in the Pacific at the end of October, began to move towards The Bering Sea and by November 8 turned into one of the strongest extratropical cyclones in the entire history of observations. It is him interaction with the TSA and created an unusual loop shape.
US global warming