Scientists for the first time in history “telepathically” united the minds of two people. Video

Scientists for the first time in historyA photo from open sources

One “submerged” in the distance was able to move his hand workmate. University of Washington specialists first created non-invasive device that allows one person to remotely manage the actions of another, thus reaching the basics telepathy. During the experiment, a professor of computer science and computing technology Rajesh Rao used his thoughts to manage the activities of Andrea Stacco, a researcher at the faculty psychology. Rao wore an EEG cap that allowed read out the electrical activity of his brain, while Stacco was a transcranial magnetic coil that could stimulate the brain activity of the left motor cortex – areas of the brain that control the movements of the hands. Interface translated EEG-read brain signals into commands for another brain. Rao imagined moving his hand (without physically moving it) and Imagined that he presses the joystick button while playing video games. IN Stacco’s other room, who didn’t look at the computer screen in of his laboratory and did not see the video game, involuntarily transferred his right hand and pressed the space bar on his keyboard, as if worried nervous tick.

“Basically it was a one-way flow of information from my brain to him, Rao comments. – The next step will be equal two-way conversation between two brains. “This the experiment was the first conducted in humans. previous job teams from Duke University allowed the brains of two rats to be connected, located on different continents – in North Carolina and in Brazil. Then researchers from harvard medical school demonstrated a brain-to-brain interface connecting a person to rat and allowing a person to control the rodent’s tail with of your mind. Researchers would like to develop their technology, to, for example, help paralytics unable to communicate others about their needs. But the real union of minds is all more plans from the category of science fiction. Only possible so far interpret the simplest brain signals in ideal conditions with bulky equipment that you can’t hang on a belt for walks around the city. Moreover, control someone else’s body against someone’s will is not yet possible, even with ethical points of view.

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