Scientists managed to accomplish something incredible: they were able to cool the substance below the temperature that was still considered an absolute minimum. In most modern physics textbooks absolute zero on the Kelvin scale or minus 273.15 degrees in Celsius is considered the lowest possible temperature, since at even the lightest element – hydrogen – completely loses its mobility, that is, figuratively speaking, freezes. Photos from open sources Oddly enough, but one way studying negative temperatures is infinitely strong heating up the substance. This unusual, bordering on fantasy, approach allows in theory to design engines whose efficiency will be above 100%, sheds light on mysterious substances such as dark energy and others. From the point of view of atomic physics, temperature Is speed. The speed of movement of atoms inside matter, and than the faster the atoms move, the higher the temperature. Accordingly, for minus 273.15 degrees the hydrogen atoms completely stop. FROM by this approach, no substance can be colder than this limit. However, modern physics, to understand the essence temperature, offers to look at it differently – not as linear indicator, and how on a loop: positive temperatures are one part of the cycle, negative – another. At temperatures tending to infinitely low or infinitely high, the scale sooner or later It turns out to be in the negative area. With positive Atoms, atoms often occupy low energy states, and with negative – high. In physics, a similar effect is known as Boltzmann distribution. At absolute zero, atoms occupy the most low energy state, and at “infinite temperature” atoms can occupy all energy states at once. Accordingly, at very high temperatures they occupy all high energy states, and at very low temperatures – all low. “Speaking of low temperature, we can say that we dealing with the inverted Boltzmann distribution, “says physicist Ulrich Schneider from the University of Munich in Germany. “FROM by this logic, a substance reaching a temperature below absolute scratch getting hot. We believe that when reaching the milestone in minus 273 degrees the temperature does not end, but just goes to negative values. “As you might guess, objects with negative temperatures behave very strange. For example, usually the energy coming from an object with a higher temperature, there will always be more than from a cooler object. However, if the substance goes on a negative scale, then the colder it is, the more energy radiates. So it’s colder here an object will always be more energetically active than more warm. Another strange consequence of freezing temperatures is entropy – an indicator of how much a substance is orderly. When an object has a traditional temperature, it increases the entropy of matter around and within itself, but when temperature goes into the negative zone, endlessly a cold / hot object can reduce entropy in and around yourself. German physicists say that negative temperature is so far largely a theory. But it will become a practice when science will learn to work with clear energy indicators one individual atom of matter. When researchers can work with one single atom just like with objects in macrocosm, we can talk about whether atoms can cool to super-low temperatures or can they fly faster than speed Sveta. In the meantime, to generate negative temperatures, scientists created a system in which atoms had a hard limit to which they can possess energy. For this, physicists took 100,000 atoms and cooled them to a temperature of one billionth of a degree Kelvin. The atoms were cooled in a vacuum chamber isolated from the outer Wednesday. For precise atom control, researchers used a network. laser beams and magnetic fields. According to scientists, the temperature substances ultimately depends on how much potential atom has energy and how much energy is generated from the interaction between the atoms. In addition, temperature is also closely related to pressure – the hotter the object, the more it expands and vice versa. To make sure that the gas can have a temperature below absolute zero, it was necessary to create conditions in which the atoms themselves would not have significant energy, but from repulsion more energy would be formed of atoms than from their attraction, reports Something similar happened to recreate on nanoscale. Simon Brown of the University of Munich says that in the future, in practice, such knowledge may lead to super efficient heat engines. The operation of such engines relies on the conversion of thermal energy into mechanical energy. Theoretically, with negative temperatures, such engines could would have an efficiency above 100%, although in terms of logic it seems impossible.