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A group of scientists from Scotland during the experiment managed to slow down the speed of light in a vacuum. Received data capable of making a real revolution in classical physics. All theoretical basis of modern physics is based on the theory Einstein’s relativity and the speed constant of light in airless space – it is equal to 299792458 m./s. University scientists Heriot-Watt in Glasgow Got Results Refuting Constancy the speed of light when moving in a vacuum. Retardation experiment the speed of light passed in two stages. On the first for the purpose of change forms of photons were passed through special lenses. Then compared the speeds of altered and ordinary photons. It has long been it is noticed that light decreases its speed when passing through water or glass and restores it when released into the air. In an experiment, after passing through an “apple-like” lens, light lost speed and for some time did not restore it after return to the vacuum. As a result, it was found that the slowdown the speed of the changed photons at a distance of one meter reached 20 wavelengths. For the first time in history, a group of scientists led by Professor Pagett documented the slowdown. Since light is a typical wave in terms of wave theory, the result of the experiment can be extended to other waves. For example, acoustic waves can also be slowed down. In his article in science express journal pagett notes that dogmatic boundaries modern physics may not allow the scientific community to recognize results of their work. The author claims that the aim of the study is did not refute Einstein’s theory. Experiment can affect only experiments that manipulate with small range and clear timing of propagation light waves. Based on the information received, scientists from Glasgow suggest using their installation for further study properties of light.