Scientists have come up with an effective implant for slimming

Scientists have come up with an effective implant for weight lossA photo from open sources

Today, obesity in the world has become so huge that scientists are increasingly seriously thinking about this problem of the 21st century. After all, not only adults, but also children began to suffer from this ailment.

Therefore, in many countries real-life means for losing weight, because well-known diets, fasting, healthy eating, exercise complexes and so on not bring tangible results, but only produce on the Internet crooks who successfully earn on this human grief, offering all kinds of “miraculous” drugs and “folk” tricks.

As U.S. University of California scientists say, the whole problem in this case rests on a genetic defect, in as a result of which a person ceases to feel full until overeating, or even almost not like food. But if the group American scientists led by Navnit Mataru proposes to correct this defect at the genetic level then the inventors of the University Wisconsin-Madison USA (team leader Xudong Wang) found an easier way – they came up with a gastric appliance shunting. Small implant (less than a square centimeter) implanted in the stomach and begins to “deceive” the brain, sending signals after only a few swallowed pieces of food.

A photo from open sources

Wang’s device is unique in that it does not require a battery because works from an internal generator, for which it is enough fluctuations in the walls of the stomach. In addition, the implantation process is reversible, that is, an implant can always be removed from the body when a person will feel, for example, that the course he has completed is sufficient for him, or for some reason (say, due to unforeseen complications) the device should be removed.

To date, this unique device has been successfully tested on laboratory rats, now on the line of testing – large animals, and then – there will already be a man, if, of course, everything goes how to. Xudong Wang himself and his assistants are one hundred percent sure that their a implant for weight loss will be the best option in the fight against obesity and will find the widest application in the near future. Well, many people will look forward to it and big hope, presumably, since among modern means for there is nothing that works for one hundred percent and without special human effort …


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