Scientists have concluded that there is no death

Scientists have concluded that there is no death.Photos from open sources of

Professor Robert Lanz of the University of North Carolina came to the conclusion that a person’s life does not stop after death, he’s just falls into one of the parallel worlds.

It is in a parallel world, and not in heaven or hell, which came up Christian religion. And already “dying” there, he may rise in our world. According to the scientist, human life is very similar to life plants are wilting and then a new flowering. From here begs the simplest conclusion: death is not the end, but simply the continued existence of consciousness. By the way, scientists have already proven and the fact that our consciousness is far from being a product of the human brain, because there are people in the world who don’t have this at all the most important organ of thinking, and at the same time they are wonderful exist.

Professor Robert Lanz proves his theory in terms of biocentrism, that is, scientifically affirming what everyone is talking about religions of the world – the human soul is immortal. Earlier existence in such parallel worlds where our consciousness goes after death, wrote and scientists at the University of California United States. According to their theory, in some such worlds still dinosaurs roam, America is not colonized by Europeans, and the USSR until still not broken up, and so on. By the way, isn’t it from there to us Loch Ness monsters, sea snakes, yetis and mermaids?

American researchers have come to this conclusion from the postulate, that microparticles are able to exist in two or more states simultaneously, which means that they can simultaneously be in two and more places.

A photo from open sources

Life Parallel Worlds Plants

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