Scientists have created a robot that can feel pain

Scientists have created a robot that can feel painPhoto from open sources

Japanese inventors have created a robot that can sense pain. Reported by The Sun.

Minoru Assad from Osaka University demonstrated an invention at the congress of the American Association. It turned out that the developers developed a special sensor that gives robots the opportunity to experience pain. Robots can now feel how light touches, and strong blows.

During the demonstration, the robot reacted to touch and shock accurately as a person would do. The robot frowned, frowned, narrowed eyes and smiled. It is not clear why, scientists created a robot in the form of the head of a boy.

Inventors are sure that robots that are able to feel pain and empathy can be more beneficial to people. Skill experiencing pain makes a man a man. Scientists intend further perfect the system so that the robots feel as accurately as possible pain.

The developers believe that in the future, sensitive robots will be able care for elderly or sick people.

A group of researchers at the University of Vermont previously reported a new achievement in science: they managed to create the first living robots, more precisely biorobots, which they called – xenobot.


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