Scientists have established another communication plant channel

Scientists have established another communication channel of plantsA photo from open sources

Researchers have long noticed that plants can communicate suddenly with a friend, for example, transmit an alarm if a man appears who can do harm to, say, trees, lumberjack. Moreover, even indoor plants planted in separate pots.

It turns out that all plants are able to transmit information to each other. friend through the air, for example with the help of some smells or propagating energy waves with a specific code.

A team of Canadian and Italian scientists was able to establish that trees communicate also with the help of roots. Thanks to ramified they can receive information about each other’s root system, determine the condition of neighboring trees, diagnose and treat them, support the weak and young, and much more. Amazingly, huge mushroom nets help them in this.

It turns out that plants have intelligence, that is, they know how think, communicate, take care of each other, maybe even dream, to dream and so on. Previously, scientists believed that such qualities inherent only to animals.

Italian and Canadian colleagues intend to continue their studies to prove that plants have a peculiar the intellect and spiritual principle that we have yet to comprehend and understand.


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