Scientists have experimentally proven that the godfather the sign kills microbes and changes the optical properties of water

Scientists have experimentally proven that the sign of the cross kills microbes and alters the optical properties of water.A photo from open sources

The Sign of the Cross The Science of the Sign of the Cross. Scientists experimentally proved that the sign of the cross kills germs and changes the optical properties of water. “We have confirmed that going with antiquity the custom of baptizing food and drink before a meal has deep mystical meaning, says physicist Angelina Malakhovskaya. – Practical benefit is also hidden behind it: the food is cleaned literally in an instant. This is a great miracle that happens. literally every day. “Their research on the power of the sign of the Cross Angelina Malakhovskaya spent almost ten with the blessing of the church years. A large series of experiments were conducted that repeatedly checked before releasing the results. They are phenomenal: unique bactericidal properties are revealed, appearing in water from its consecration by Orthodox prayer and the sign of the cross. Discovered a new, previously unknown property of the Word God’s transform the structure of water, greatly increasing it optical density in the short ultraviolet region of the spectrum. The very possibility of these studies for Angelina Malakhovskaya and her colleagues from St. Petersburg became a miracle – they were not financed, not included in the subject of research institutes. But Orthodox scholars performed a huge amount of work for free – just to give people the opportunity to experience and see the healing power of God. EXPERIMENTS Scientists tested the effect of the prayer “Our Father” and Orthodox sign of the Cross on pathogenic bacteria. For studies were taken water samples from various reservoirs – wells, rivers, lakes. All samples contained E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus. But it turned out that if you read the prayer “Our Father” and overshadow the testament with the sign of the Cross, then the number harmful bacteria can decrease in 7, 10, 100 and even more than in 1000 times! Beneficial effect of prayer and the sign of the Cross on human – in all subjects the pressure stabilized, improved blood counts. Surprising is the fact that the indicators have changed in exactly the direction required for healing: in hypotensive patients, pressure increased, in hypertensive patients – decreased. It has been observed that if man imposed the sign of the cross casually, indistinctly folding the three-fingered fingers, or did not touch the necessary points (middle of the forehead, center of the solar plexus, deepenings of the right and left shoulder), then the positive feedback was much lower or nonexistent. SIGN Scientists measured optical density of water before and after cross signs and blessings. “It turned out that the optical density in compared with its original value before sanctification rises, – explains Angelina Malakhovskaya. – This means that the water DISTINCES the meaning of the prayers uttered above her, remembers this exposure and stores it for as long as you want – in the form of an increase optical density values. It is as if saturated with light. The human eye to catch these healing changes in the structure of water, Of course not. But the spectrograph device gives an objective assessment of this phenomenon. sign of the crossPhoto from open sources Krestnoe a sign changes the optical density of water almost instantly. The optical density of tap water sanctified by the perfection of of the sign of the Cross to the ordinary believer, the Mirian, in the Orthodox the addition of the fingers of the right hand rises almost 1.5 times! And when sanctification by the priest – almost 2.5 times! That is, it turns out that water “distinguishes” the degree of consecration – by a Mirian or a priest, whose right hand fingers are folded for blessing so that depict the first letters of the name of Christ. The result of sanctification is interesting. water baptized, but an unbeliever, not wearing a pectoral cross. It turned out that water “distinguishes” even the degree of faith – optical density has changed by only ten percent! Truly – “by your faith – let it be unto you! “Because the human body consists more than two-thirds out of the water, which means that God was in us when creating such a system of physical channels regulating all biochemical processes in the body, which is clearly “recognizes” the name of Jesus Christ! We can say that the sign of the cross is it is a light generator. Under no other finger folds (palm, or with careless fingers, fast unrighteous wave of hands) no change (increase) we did not reveal the optical density of tap water. Grigory Telnov, Orthodox Warrior website


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